06.c Collateral Sensitivity Index (CRI)

Since the computation of the Collateral Sensitivity Index is quite computationally expensive, the results are saved into a .csv file so that can be easily loaded and displayed. This script shows a very basic graph of such information.

The generates a heatmap visualization for a dataset related to collateral sensitivity. It uses the Seaborn library to plot the rectangular data as a color-encoded matrix. The code loads the data from a CSV file, creates mappings for categories and colors, and then plots the heatmap using the loaded data and color maps. It also includes annotations, colorbar axes, category patches, legend elements, and formatting options to enhance the visualization.

19 # Libraries
20 import numpy as np
21 import pandas as pd
22 import seaborn as sns
23 import matplotlib as mpl
24 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
26 #
27 from pathlib import Path
28 from itertools import combinations
29 from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize
31 # See https://matplotlib.org/devdocs/users/explain/customizing.html
32 mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 8
33 mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8
34 mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 8
35 mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 8
37 try:
38     __file__
39     TERMINAL = True
40 except:
41     TERMINAL = False
44 # --------------------------------
45 # Methods
46 # --------------------------------
47 def _check_ax_ay_equal(ax, ay):
48     return ax==ay
50 def _check_ax_ay_greater(ax, ay):
51     return  ax>ay
53 # --------------------------------
54 # Constants
55 # --------------------------------
56 # Possible cmaps
57 # https://r02b.github.io/seaborn_palettes/
58 # Diverging: coolwarm, RdBu_r, vlag
59 # Others: bone, gray, pink, twilight
60 cmap0 = 'coolwarm'
61 cmap1 = sns.light_palette("seagreen", as_cmap=True)
62 cmap2 = sns.color_palette("light:b", as_cmap=True)
63 cmap3 = sns.color_palette("vlag", as_cmap=True)
64 cmap4 = sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, as_cmap=True)
65 cmap5 = sns.color_palette("ch:s=.25,rot=-.25", as_cmap=True) # no
66 cmap6 = sns.color_palette("light:#5A9", as_cmap=True)
67 cmap7 = sns.light_palette("#9dedcc", as_cmap=True)
68 cmap8 = sns.color_palette("YlGn", as_cmap=True)
70 # Figure size
71 figsize = (17, 4)

Let’s load the data

 77 # Load data
 78 path = Path('../../datasets/collateral-sensitivity/20230525-135511')
 79 data = pd.read_csv(path / 'contingency.csv')
 80 abxs = pd.read_csv(path / 'categories.csv')
 82 # Format data
 83 data = data.set_index(['specimen', 'o', 'ax', 'ay'])
 84 data.RR = data.RR.fillna(0).astype(int)
 85 data.RS = data.RS.fillna(0).astype(int)
 86 data.SR = data.SR.fillna(0).astype(int)
 87 data.SS = data.SS.fillna(0).astype(int)
 88 data['samples'] = data.RR + data.RS + data.SR + data.SS
 90 #data['samples'] = data.iloc[:, :4].sum(axis=1)
 92 def filter_top_pairs(df, n=5):
 93     """Filter top n (Specimen, Organism) pairs."""
 94     # Find top
 95     top = df.groupby(level=[0, 1]) \
 96         .samples.sum() \
 97         .sort_values(ascending=False) \
 98         .head(n)
100     # Filter
101     idx = pd.IndexSlice
102     a = top.index.get_level_values(0).unique()
103     b = top.index.get_level_values(1).unique()
105     # Return
106     return df.loc[idx[a, b, :, :]]
108 # Filter
109 data = filter_top_pairs(data, n=2)
110 data = data[data.samples > 500]

Lets see the data

114 if TERMINAL:
115     print("\n")
116     print("Number of samples: %s" % data.samples.sum())
117     print("Number of pairs: %s" % data.shape[0])
118     print("Data:")
119     print(data)
120 data.iloc[:7,:].dropna(axis=1, how='all')
RR RS SI SR SS MIS samples
specimen o ax ay
WOUCUL SAUR ACHL ACLI 2 10 3.0 165 585 -0.003227 762
AERY 2 10 4.0 213 536 -0.007012 761
AFUS 2 10 NaN 86 667 0.003373 765
ALIN 0 10 NaN 0 523 0.000000 533
AMET 3 9 NaN 71 679 0.010702 762
AMUP 0 10 6.0 3 690 -0.000183 703
ANEO 1 9 NaN 27 622 0.003881 659

Lets load the antimicrobial data and create color mapping variables

126 # Create dictionary to map category to color
127 labels = abxs.category
128 palette = sns.color_palette('Spectral', labels.nunique())
129 palette = sns.cubehelix_palette(labels.nunique(),
130     light=.9, dark=.1, reverse=True, start=1, rot=-2)
131 lookup = dict(zip(labels.unique(), palette))
133 # Create dictionary to map code to category
134 code2cat = dict(zip(abxs.antimicrobial_code, abxs.category))

Let’s display the information

140 # Loop
141 for i, df in data.groupby(level=[0, 1]):
143     # Drop level
144     df = df.droplevel(level=[0, 1])
146     # Check possible issues.
147     ax = df.index.get_level_values(0)
148     ay = df.index.get_level_values(1)
149     idx1 = _check_ax_ay_equal(ax, ay)
150     idx2 = _check_ax_ay_greater(ax, ay)
152     # Show
153     print("%25s. ax==ay => %5s | ax>ay => %5s" % \
154           (i, idx1.sum(), idx2.sum()))
156     # Re-index to have square matrix
157     abxs = set(ax) | set(ay)
158     index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([abxs, abxs])
160     # Reformat MIS
161     mis = df['MIS'] \
162         .reindex(index, fill_value=np.nan) \
163         .unstack()
165     # Reformat samples
166     freq = df['samples'] \
167         .reindex(index, fill_value=0) \
168         .unstack()
170     # Combine in square matrix
171     m1 = mis.copy(deep=True).to_numpy()
172     m2 = freq.to_numpy()
173     il1 = np.tril_indices(mis.shape[1])
174     m1[il1] = m2.T[il1]
175     m = pd.DataFrame(m1,
176         index=mis.index, columns=mis.columns)
178     # .. note: This is the matrix that is used in previous
179     #          samples to display the CRI and the count using
180     #          the sns.heatmap function
181     # Save
182     #m.to_csv('%s'%str(i))
184     # Add frequency
185     top_n = df \
186         .sort_values('samples', ascending=False) \
187         .head(20).drop(columns='MIS') \
188         .dropna(axis=1, how='all')
190     # Draw
191     fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4,
192         sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=figsize,
193         gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [2, 3, 3, 3.5]})
195     sns.heatmap(data=mis * 100, annot=False, linewidth=.5,
196                 cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-70, vmax=70, center=0,
197                 annot_kws={"size": 8}, square=True,
198                 ax=axs[2], xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True)
200     sns.heatmap(data=freq, annot=False, linewidth=.5,
201                 cmap='Blues', norm=LogNorm(),
202                 annot_kws={"size": 8}, square=True,
203                 ax=axs[1], xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True)
205     sns.heatmap(top_n,
206                 annot=False, linewidth=0.5,
207                 cmap='Blues', ax=axs[0], zorder=1,
208                 vmin=None, vmax=None, center=None, robust=True,
209                 square=False, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True,
210                 cbar_kws={
211                     'use_gridspec': True,
212                     'location': 'right'
213                 }
214     )
216     # Display
217     masku = np.triu(np.ones_like(m))
218     maskl = np.tril(np.ones_like(m))
219     sns.heatmap(data=m, cmap=cmap8, mask=masku, ax=axs[3],
220                 annot=False, linewidth=0.5, norm=LogNorm(),
221                 annot_kws={"size": 8}, square=True, vmin=0)
222     sns.heatmap(data=m, cmap=cmap4, mask=maskl, ax=axs[3],
223                 annot=False, linewidth=0.5, vmin=-0.7, vmax=0.7,
224                 center=0, annot_kws={"size": 8}, square=True,
225                 xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True)
227     # Configure axes
228     axs[0].set_title('Contingency')
229     axs[1].set_title('Number of samples')
230     axs[2].set_title('Collateral Sensitivity Index')
231     axs[3].set_title('Samples / Collateral Sensitivity')
233     # Add colors to xticklabels
235     #abxs = pd.read_csv('../../datasets/susceptibility-nhs/susceptibility-v0.0.1/antimicrobials.csv')##
237     #groups = dict(zip(abxs.antimicrobial_code, abxs.category))
238     #cmap = sns.color_palette("Spectral", abxs.category.nunique())
239     #colors = dict(zip(abxs.category, cmap))
241     # ------------------------------------------
242     # Add category colors on xtick labels
243     # ------------------------------------------
244     # Create colors
245     colors = m.columns.to_series().map(code2cat).map(lookup)
247     # Loop
248     for lbl in axs[3].get_xticklabels():
249         try:
250             x, y = lbl.get_position()
251             c = colors.to_dict().get(lbl.get_text(), 'k')
252             lbl.set_color(c)
253             lbl.set_weight('bold')
255             """
256             axs[3].annotate('', xy=(2000, 0),
257                 #xytext=(0, -15 - axs[3].xaxis.labelpad),
258                 xytext=(i.x, y)
259                 xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'),
260                 textcoords='offset points',
261                 ha='center', va='top',
262                 bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='none', ec='red'))
263             """
264         except Exception as e:
265             print(lbl.get_text(), e)
267     # Configure plot
268     plt.suptitle('%s - %s' % (i[0], i[1]))
269     plt.tight_layout()
270     plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1)
272     # Exit loop
273     break
275 # Show
276 plt.show()
URICUL - ECOL, Contingency, Number of samples, Collateral Sensitivity Index, Samples / Collateral Sensitivity


('URICUL', 'ECOL'). ax==ay =>    18 | ax>ay =>     0

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.476 seconds)

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