# Author:
# Date:
# Description:
# Copyright:
# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
# Import sari
from pyamr.core.sari import sari
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class MARI:
"""Multiple Antimicrobial Resistance Index
# Attributes
c_lab = 'LAB_NUMBER'
c_spe = 'SPECIMEN'
c_dat = 'DATE'
def __init__(self, groupby=[c_spe,
groupby: list
The labels of the columns to groupby. The name of
the columns it should include is as follows:
MARI instance
self.groupby = groupby
[docs] def compute_v1(self, dataframe, shift=None, period=None,
cdate=None, return_frequencies=True,
return_isolates=True, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
"""Compute MARI v1"""
# Copy DataFrame
aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True)
# Create grouper
grouper = []
if shift is not None:
grouper = [pd.Grouper(freq=shift, key=cdate)]
grouper = grouper + self.groupby
# Format as datetime
if cdate is not None:
aux[cdate] = pd.to_datetime(aux[cdate])
# ------------------------------------------
# Frequencies
# ------------------------------------------
rn = {
'mean': 'mari',
'count': 'freq'
# Compute frequencies
isolates = aux.groupby(grouper) \
# Include mari by isolate
isolates['mari'] = sari(isolates, **kwargs)
# Compute frequencies
if shift is None:
# Compute mari
dataframe = isolates.mari \
.groupby(level=isolates.index.names[:-1]) \
.agg(['count', 'mean']) \
# Create sum and count per shift
aux = isolates.reset_index() \
.groupby([cdate] + grouper[1:-2]) \
.mari.agg(['sum', 'count']) \
# Compute sums
sums = aux.rolling(window=period,
min_periods=1, on=cdate)['sum'].sum()
# Compute isolate counts
counts = aux.rolling(window=period,
min_periods=1, on=cdate)['count'].sum()
series = (sums/counts).rename('mari')
dataframe = pd.concat([sums, counts, series], axis=1)
# Wrong!!
# Compute sum and count [sum, count]
#aux = freqs.groupby([cdate] + grouper[2:-1]) \
# .mari.agg('mean').reset_index() \
# .set_index(cdate).groupby(grouper[2:-1]) \
# .mari.rolling(window=period, min_period=1) \
# .mean()
# Rename columns
dataframe = dataframe.rename(columns=rn)
# Remove frequencies
if not return_frequencies:
dataframe = dataframe['mari']
# Return
if return_isolates:
return dataframe, isolates
return dataframe
[docs] def rolling(self, dataframe, period, cdate, shift=None):
"""Compute metric using rolling approach"""
if shift is None:
The input parameter <shift> is None. Thus, the value
of the input parameter <period> (%s) has been used."""
% period)
shift = period
# Grouper
grouper = [pd.Grouper(freq=shift, key=cdate)]
grouper = grouper + self.groupby[:-2]
# Compute frequencies
freqs = dataframe.groupby(grouper) \
.agg(intermediate=('intermediate', 'sum'),
resistant=('resistant', 'sum'),
sensitive=('sensitive', 'sum'),
n_records=('freq', 'sum'),
n_samples=('sari', 'count'),
total=('sari', 'sum')) \
.reset_index() \
.set_index(cdate).groupby(grouper[1:]) \
.rolling(window=period, min_periods=1) \
# Return
return freqs
[docs] def grouping(self, dataframe, period, cdate):
"""Compute metric with independent groups.
# Create grouper
if hasattr(dataframe[cdate].dt, str(period)):
grouper = [getattr(dataframe[cdate].dt, period)]
grouper = [pd.Grouper(freq=period, key=cdate)]
grouper = self.groupby[:-2] + grouper
# Compute
freqs = dataframe.groupby(grouper) \
.agg(intermediate=('intermediate', 'sum'),
resistant=('resistant', 'sum'),
sensitive=('sensitive', 'sum'),
n_records=('freq', 'sum'),
n_samples=('sari', 'count'),
total=('sari', 'sum'))
# Return
return freqs
[docs] def compute_v2(self, dataframe, shift=None, period=None,
cdate=None, return_frequencies=True,
return_isolates=True, **kwargs):
"""Compute MARI v2.
.. note: No need to copy because SARI does it for us
# Libraries
from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
# Not allowing period to be a number. The main reason is that the
# most common interpretation is that scenarios with shift=1D
# period=2D and shift=1D period=2 should be the same. However, the
# results are actually different. Because period=2 in rolling will
# use two adjacent rows without considering time. This introduces
# inconsistencies where there are time gaps without data.
if period is not None:
if not isinstance(period, str):
raise ValueError("""
The input parameter <period> cannot be of %s. Ensure
it is either None or a valid string such as 2D or year.
""" % type(period))
# Compute frequencies
if period is None and shift is None:
# Compute freqs from sari
freqs = SARI(groupby=self.groupby) \
.compute(dataframe, **kwargs) \
.groupby(level=[0,1]) \
.agg(intermediate=('intermediate', 'sum'),
resistant=('resistant', 'sum'),
sensitive=('sensitive', 'sum'),
n_records=('freq', 'sum'),
n_samples=('sari', 'count'),
total=('sari', 'sum'))
# Format as datetime
dataframe[cdate] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[cdate])
# Define new group by with date
groupby = self.groupby.copy()
groupby.insert(3, cdate)
# Compute mari (sari per sample)
iso = SARI(groupby=groupby) \
.compute(dataframe, **kwargs) \
if shift is None:
freqs = self.grouping(dataframe=iso,
freqs = self.rolling(dataframe=iso,
# Add mari
freqs['mari'] = freqs.total / freqs.n_samples
# Remove frequencies
if not return_frequencies:
freqs = freqs['mari']
# Return
if return_isolates:
return freqs, pd.DataFrame()
return freqs
[docs] def compute_v3(self, dataframe, shift=None, period=None,
cdate=None, return_frequencies=True,
return_isolates=True, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
"""Compute MARI v3.
.. note: It does not work properly.
.. note: It is considerably slower. Possibly because it
is executing the rolling method twice. Try to
remove the first rolling as it is not needed.
# Libraries
from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
# Format as datetime
if cdate is not None:
dataframe[cdate] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[cdate])
# Create object
sari = SARI(groupby=['SPECIMEN',
# Compute mari (sari per sample)
isolates = sari.compute(dataframe,
#shift=shift, period=period, cdate=cdate,
return_frequencies=return_frequencies, **kwargs)
from pyamr.core.sari import sari
# Compute frequencies
isolates = dataframe.groupby(['SPECIMEN',
# Include mari which is the SARI per isolate
isolates['sari'] = sari(isolates, **kwargs)
if cdate is not None:
by = by + [cdate]
aux = isolates.reset_index() \
.groupby(by) \
.agg(intermediate=('intermediate', 'sum'),
resistant=('resistant', 'sum'),
sensitive=('sensitive', 'sum'),
#n_records=('freq', 'sum'),
n_samples=('sari', 'count'),
total=('sari', 'sum'))
if period is not None:
# Compute rolling
aux = aux \
.reset_index() \
.groupby(by[:2]) \
min_periods=1, on=cdate).agg('sum')
# Format result.
aux.index = aux.index.droplevel(2)
aux = aux.reset_index() \
# Add mari
aux['mari'] = aux.total / aux.n_samples
# Add number of records
aux['n_records'] = \
aux.resistant + \
aux.sensitive + \
# Return
if return_isolates:
return aux, isolates
return aux
[docs] def compute_v4(self, dataframe, shift=None, period=None,
cdate=None, return_frequencies=True,
return_isolates=True, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
"""Compute MARI v4.
# Copy DataFrame
aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True)
# Warning if dates NaN
# Warning if elements in groupby any all NaN!
# Create grouper
grouper = []
if shift is not None:
grouper = [pd.Grouper(freq=shift, key=cdate)]
grouper = grouper + self.groupby
# Format as datetime
if cdate is not None:
aux[cdate] = pd.to_datetime(aux[cdate])
# ------------------------------------------
# Frequencies
# ------------------------------------------
# Compute frequencies
isolates = aux.groupby(grouper) \
# Include mari which is the SARI per isolate
isolates['mari'] = sari(isolates, **kwargs)
# Compute frequencies
if shift is None:
# Compute mari
#dataframe = isolates.mari \
# .groupby(level=isolates.index.names[:-1]) \
# .agg(['count', 'mean']) \
dataframe = isolates \
.groupby(level=isolates.index.names[:-1]) \
intermediate=('intermediate', 'sum'),
resistant=('resistant', 'sum'),
sensitive=('sensitive', 'sum'),
n_samples=('mari', 'count'),
total=('mari', 'sum')
dataframe = isolates.reset_index() \
.groupby([cdate] + grouper[1:-2]) \
.agg(intermediate=('intermediate', 'sum'),
resistant=('resistant', 'sum'),
sensitive=('sensitive', 'sum'),
n_samples=('mari', 'count'),
total=('mari', 'sum')) \
.reset_index().groupby(grouper[1:-2]) \
min_periods=1, on=cdate).agg('sum')
# Format result.
dataframe.index = dataframe.index.droplevel(2)
dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() \
# Add mari
dataframe['mari'] = dataframe.total / dataframe.n_samples
# Add number of records
dataframe['n_records'] = \
dataframe.resistant + \
dataframe.sensitive + \
# Remove frequencies
if not return_frequencies:
dataframe = dataframe['mari']
# Return
if return_isolates:
return dataframe, isolates
return dataframe
[docs] def compute(self, dataframe, **kwargs):
"""Compute the Multiple Antimicrobial Resistance Index.
.. note: The compute_v3 does not work properly
.. todo: Add parameters to rolling!
.. todo: Place value at the left, center, right of window?
.. todo: Ensure that works when time gaps present!
.. todo: Carefull with various indexes!
.. todo: Warning if dates NaN
.. todo: Warning if elements in groupby any all NaN!
.. todo: Warning if not all samples have been tested with same antimicrobials
dataframe: pd.DataFrame
A DataFrame with the susceptibility test interpretations
as columns. The default strategies used (see below) expect
the following columns ['sensitive', 'intermediate', 'resistant']
and if they do not appear they weill be set to zeros.
shift: str
Frequency value to pass to pd.Grouper.
period: str, int
Window value to pass to pd.rolling.
cdate: string, default=None
The column that will be used as date.
return_frequencies: boolean, default=True
Whether to return the frequencies (isolates) or just the resistance index.
return_isolates: boolean, default=True
Whether to return the resistance index for each individual isolate.
strategy: string or func, default='hard'
The method used to compute sari. The possible options
are 'soft', 'medium' and 'hard'. In addition, a function
with the following signature func(dataframe, **kwargs)
can be passed.
(i) ``soft`` as R / R+I+S
(ii) ``medium`` as R / R+S
(iii) ``hard`` as R+I / R+I+S
(iv) ``other`` as R+0.5I / R+0.5I+S [Not yet]
**kwargs: arguments to pass the strategy function.
dataframe: pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
The resistance index (pd.Series) or a pd.Dataframe with the
resistance index (sari), the sums and the frequencies.
isolates: pd.DataFrame
The resistance index and each of the sensitivity value
counts for each individual isolate.
#self.compute_v1(dataframe, **kwargs)
#self.compute_v2(dataframe, **kwargs)
#self.compute_v3(dataframe, **kwargs)
return self.compute_v2(dataframe, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
# Import libraries
import time
import warnings
import pandas as pd
from timeit import default_timer as timer
# Import specific libraries
from pyamr.core.mari import MARI
# Filter user warning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
# ---------------------
# Create data
# ---------------------
# Load data
data = pd.read_csv('../fixtures/indexes/fixture_mari.csv')
# Create MARI instance
mari = MARI(groupby=['SPECIMEN',
# Compute MARI overall
mari_overall, isolates = mari.compute(data,
# Compute SARI temporal (ITI)
mari_iti_1d_1d = mari.compute(data, shift='1D',
period='1D', cdate='DATE',
mari_iti_2d_2d = mari.compute(data, shift='2D',
period='2D', cdate='DATE',
mari_iti_year = mari.compute(data,
period='year', cdate='DATE',
# Compute MARI temporal (OTI)
mari_oti_1d_2d = mari.compute(data, shift='1D',
period='2D', cdate='DATE',
mari_oti_2d_4d = mari.compute(data, shift='2D',
period='4D', cdate='DATE',
# Show
print("\n\n\nMARI (overall):")
print("\n\n\nMARI (iti) | 1D_1D:")
print("\n\n\nMARI (iti) | 2D_2D:")
print("\n\n\nMARI (iti) | year:")
print("\n\n\nMARI (oti) | 1D_2D:")
print("\n\n\nMARI (oti) | 2D_4D:")
# -----------------------
# Full test
# -----------------------
from itertools import product
# Define possible values
values = [2, '2D', None, 'year']
combos = list(product(values, values))
# Show
print("\n\nCombinations of params <shift> and <period>:")
# Loop
for i, (shift, period) in enumerate(combos):
print("%2s/%2s. Computing... shift=%-5s | period=%-5s ==> " % \
(i + 1, len(combos), shift, period), end="")
s00, s01 = mari.compute(data, shift=shift, period=period, cdate='DATE')
s10, s11 = mari.compute_v2(data, shift=shift, period=period, cdate='DATE')
s20, s21 = mari.compute_v3(data, shift=shift, period=period, cdate='DATE')
print("Ok! equals_1=%s equals_2=%s" %
(s00.equals(s10), s10.equals(s20)))
#print("\n\n" + "=" * 80)
except Exception as e:
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Test timings
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Libraries
from pyamr.datasets.load import make_susceptibility
# Constants
rename = {
'date_received': 'DATE',
'laboratory_number': 'LAB_NUMBER',
'specimen_code': 'SPECIMEN',
'microorganism_code': 'MICROORGANISM',
'antimicrobial_code': 'ANTIMICROBIAL',
'sensitivity': 'SENSITIVITY'
# Load data
data = make_susceptibility()
data = data.rename(columns=rename)
print("\n\nComparing execution times:")
# Example 1
# =========
t0 = timer()
mari_overall, isolates = mari.compute(data,
t1 = timer()
mari_overall, isolates = mari.compute_v2(data,
t2 = timer()
mari_overall, isolates = mari.compute_v3(data,
t3 = timer()
print("%.10f | %.10f | %.10f " % (t1-t0, t2-t1, t3-t2))
# Example 2
# =========
t0 = timer()
mari_iti = mari.compute(data, shift='1D',
period='1D', cdate='DATE',
t1 = timer()
mari_iti = mari.compute_v2(data, shift='1D',
period='1D', cdate='DATE',
t2 = timer()
mari_iti = mari.compute_v3(data, shift='1D',
period='1D', cdate='DATE',
t3 = timer()
print("%.10f | %.10f | %.10f " % (t1-t0, t2-t1, t3-t2))
# Example 3
# =========
t0 = timer()
mari_oti = mari.compute(data, shift='1D',
period='2D', cdate='DATE',
t1 = timer()
mari_oti = mari.compute_v2(data, shift='1D',
period='2D', cdate='DATE',
t2 = timer()
mari_oti = mari.compute_v3(data, shift='1D',
period='2D', cdate='DATE',
t3 = timer()
print("%.10f | %.10f | %.10f " % (t1-t0, t2-t1, t3-t2))