Source code for

Author: Bernard Hernandez

# Libraries.
from os import listdir

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import glob
import json
import os as os

#                           HELPER METHODS
[docs]def files_with_extension(folder, ext): """ This method return files with extension. Parameters ---------- folder : path containing the files. ext : selected extensions. Return ------ ext_files : files in folder with the extensions in ext. """ # Basic check. if isinstance(ext, str): ext = [ext] # List files and add selected ones. all_files, ext_files = os.listdir(folder), [] for f in all_files: for e in ext: if f.endswith(e): ext_files.append(f) break # Return return ext_files
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GENERIC READ METHOD #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def read_data(ftype, **kwargs): """This method loads data from the specified format. Parameters ---------- ftype : type of files to be load. Currently supported (xls, xlsx, csv, mysql). rename_map : dict-like, with current name and desired name. std_cols : list of columns that want to be kept. url : Only for 'mysql' - url to connect to the mysql sever. query : Only for 'mysql' - query to be executed against the server. Return ------ dataframe - <DataFrame> from pandas with content. """ if kwargs is None: return None if (ftype=='xls' or ftype=='xlsx'): return read_excel(**kwargs) if (ftype=='csv'): return read_csv(**kwargs) elif (ftype=='mysql'): return read_mysql_server(**kwargs) else: return None
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # READ MYSQL #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def read_mysql_server(url=None, query=None, rename_map=None): """This function rename codes (i.e. PAER1,PAER2 to PEAR) Parameters ---------- Return ------ """ # Import library. from sqlalchemy import create_engine # Create connection. engine = create_engine(url) connection = engine.raw_connection() # Read SQL into DataFrame. df = pd.read_sql(query, connection) # Rename columns. df.rename(columns=rename_map, inplace=True) # Return return df
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # READ EXCEL #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def read_excel(path): """This function... Parameters ---------- Return ------ """ if not os.path.exists(path): return None if os.path.isfile(path): return read_excel_file(path, **kwargs) if os.path.isdir(path): return read_excel_folder(path, **kwargs) return None
[docs]def read_excel_folder(path=None, **kwargs): """Load all excel files into a pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- path : Returns ------- """ # Find files. files = files_with_extension(path, ['.xls','.xlsx']) if len(files)==0: return None print("Loading files...%s" % files) # Load data. df = None for fname in files: filepath = "%s/%s" % (path, fname) df_aux = read_excel_file(filepath, **kwargs) df = pd.concat([df, df_aux]) # Remove duplicates. df = df.drop_duplicates() # Return return df
[docs]def read_excel_file(path, rename_map={}, std_cols=None, **kwargs): """This method... Parameters ---------- Return ------ """ # Read data and format it. df = pd.read_excel(path, **kwargs) #, quotechar='"', quoting=1) df.rename(columns=rename_map, inplace=True) if std_cols is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=std_cols) # Return return df
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # READ CSV #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def read_csv(path, **kwargs): """This method... Parameters ---------- Return ------ """ if not os.path.exists(path): return None if os.path.isfile(path): return read_csv_file(path, **kwargs) if os.path.isdir(path): return read_csv_folder(path, **kwargs) return None
[docs]def read_csv_folder(path, **kwargs): """Load all excel files into a pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- folder : rename_map : std_cols : Returns ------- """ # Find files. files = files_with_extension(path, '.csv') if len(files)==0: return None print ("Loading files...%s" % files) # Load data. df = None dfs = [] for fname in files: filepath = "%s/%s" % (path, fname) df_aux = read_csv_file(filepath, **kwargs) df = pd.concat([df, df_aux]) # Remove duplicates. df = df.drop_duplicates() # Return return df
[docs]def read_csv_file(path, rename_map={}, std_cols=None, keep_cols=None, date_cols=[], **kwargs): """This method reads a csv file. Note: 1. It uses the pandas function pd.read_csv. 2. Note: keep_cols is used instead of default usecols from pandas because when reading different files we cannot ensure that all have the same column names before renaming. Parameters ---------- rename_map : std_cols : keep_cols : date_cols : Return ------ """ # Read data and format it. df = pd.read_csv(path, **kwargs) # Rename columns. df.rename(columns=rename_map, inplace=True) # Parse dates. for c in date_cols: if c in df.columns: df[c] = pd.to_datetime(df[c], infer_datetime_format=True) # Columns that compose the dataframe. if std_cols is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=std_cols) # Select some columns (useful if MemoryError) if keep_cols is not None: df = df[keep_cols] # Return return df