Source code for

# Author:
# Date:
# Description:
# Copyright:
from __future__ import division

# Libraries
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                               helper methods
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_category_colors(values, cmap='tab20b', default='gray'):
  """This method creates the colors for the different elements in
  categorical feature vector.

  values : array-like
    The vector with the categorical values

  cmap: string-like
    The colormap to use

  default: string-like
    The color to be used for the first value. Note that this
    value needs to appear first on the the sorted list, as such
    it is recommended to set is as _default.

  # Get unique elements
  unique = np.unique(values)
  # Sort unique values
  # Create the palette (gray for _na)
  palette = [default] + sns.husl_palette(len(unique), s=.45)
  # Create mappers from category to color
  mapper = dict(zip(map(str, unique), palette))
  # Create list with colors for each category.
  colors = pd.Series(values).map(mapper)
  # Return
  return colors

def _idxs(index, level, values):
  return index.get_level_values(level).isin(values)

def _get_colors(index, column, palette):
  """This method gets the colors for each index value.

  # Get species
  vals1, pal1, row_colors = \
    _get_colors(dataframe.index, self.c_gen, 'nipy_spectral')
  vals2, pal2, col_colors = \
    _get_colors(dataframe.columns, self.c_cat, 'tab20b')




  # Get species
  species = index.get_level_values(column).unique().sort_values()
  netwpal = ['gray'] + sns.husl_palette(len(species), s=.45)
  #netwpal = ['gray'] + list(sns.color_palette('Set2', len(species)+1, .75))
  #netwpal = ['gray'] + list(sns.color_palette(palette, len(species)+1, .45))
  netwmap = dict(zip(map(str, species), netwpal))
  # Convert the palette to vectors that will be drawn on the side of the matrix
  networks = index.get_level_values(column)
  network_colors = pd.Series(networks, index=index).map(netwmap)
  # Return
  return species, netwpal, network_colors

[docs]class Antibiogram: """""" # Attributes c_cat = 'CATEGORY' c_abx = 'ANTIBIOTIC' c_org = 'SPECIE' c_gen = 'GENUS' c_idx = 'SARI' def __init__(self, column_organism=c_org, column_antibiotic=c_abx, column_genus=c_gen, column_category=c_cat, column_index=c_idx, colormap_genus='nipy_spectral', colormap_category='tab20b', discard_intrinsic=False): """The constructor. Parameters ---------- column_organism: string-like The column name with the the organism values column_antibiotic: string-like The column name with the the antibiotic values column_genus: string-lik The column name with the the organism genus values columns_category: string-like The column name with the the antibiotic category values colormap_genus: string-like The colormap to use to display the genus values colormap_category: string-like The colormap to use to display the category values discard_intrinsic: string-like Wether or not to remove the intrinsic resistance indexes. These are defined as those indexes in which the microbiology was neven found to be sensitivity and therefore has a resistance index of 1. Returns ------- """ # Set parameters self.colormap_genus = colormap_genus self.colormap_category = colormap_category self.discard_intrinsic = discard_intrinsic # Create dictionary to rename columns self.rename_columns = {column_antibiotic: self.c_abx, column_organism: self.c_org, column_genus: self.c_gen, column_category: self.c_cat, column_index: self.c_idx}
[docs] def fit(self, dataframe): """This method fits the antibiogram to the data. Parameters ---------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame The... Returns ------- Antibiogram instance """ # Check that it is a dataframe if not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("The instance passed as argument needs to be a pandas " "DataFrame. Instead, a <%s> was found. Please convert " "the input accordingly." % type(dataframe)) # Rename columns self._dataframe = \ dataframe.rename(columns=self.rename_columns, copy=True) # Fill missing categories (so they have same color) self._dataframe[self.c_org].fillna('_na', inplace=True) self._dataframe[self.c_cat].fillna('_na', inplace=True) # Keep only interesting rows self._dataframe = self._dataframe[self.rename_columns.values()] # Format dataframe self._dataframe = self._dataframe.set_index([self.c_org, self.c_abx, self.c_gen, self.c_cat]) # Create heatmap self._dataframe = self._dataframe.unstack([self.c_abx, self.c_cat]) # Drop sari index self._dataframe.columns = self._dataframe.columns.droplevel() # Discard intrinsic resistance if not self.discard_intrinsic: self._dataframe[self._dataframe==1] = np.nan # Return return self
[docs] def plot(self, organisms=None, antibiotics=None, genera=None, categories=None, method='weighted', metric='euclidean', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, cmap=None, figsize=(5,5), xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, **kwargs): """This function plots the antibiogram. The arguments are those to be passed to the clustermap implementation which is available on seaborn. Parameters ---------- method: string-like metric: string-like vmin, vmax: float-like, float-like The min and maximum values within the matrix (or feasible range). cmap: string-like The colormap to be used to plot the resistance indexes. figsize: tuple-like The size of the figure Returns ------- an axis object """ # Define colormap if cmap is None: cmap = sns.color_palette("Reds", desat=0.5, n_colors=10) # Copy dataframe dataframe = self._dataframe.copy(deep=True) # Filter data if organisms is not None: dataframe = dataframe.loc[_idxs(dataframe.index, 0, organisms), :] if genera is not None: dataframe = dataframe.loc[_idxs(dataframe.index, 1, genera), :] if antibiotics is not None: dataframe = dataframe.loc[:, _idxs(dataframe.columns, 0, antibiotics)] if categories is not None: dataframe = dataframe.loc[:, _idxs(dataframe.columns, 1, categories)] # Create mask mask = pd.isnull(dataframe) # Fill nan with a very small value dataframe = dataframe.fillna(1e-10) # Get values for groups rows = dataframe.index.get_level_values(1).values cols = dataframe.columns.get_level_values(1).values # Get colors row_colors = _get_category_colors(rows, self.colormap_genus) col_colors = _get_category_colors(cols, self.colormap_category) # Create series with index (for clustermap) row_colors = pd.Series(row_colors.values, index=dataframe.index) col_colors = pd.Series(col_colors.values, index=dataframe.columns) # Plot clustermap grid = sns.clustermap(dataframe, center=0.5, method=method, metric=metric, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, linewidths=.75, figsize=figsize, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, row_colors=row_colors, col_colors=col_colors, **kwargs) # Format labels names labelsx = ['(%s) %5s' % (e.get_text().split('-')[1], e.get_text().split('-')[0]) for e in grid.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels()] labelsy = ['%-6s (%s)' % (e.get_text().split('-')[0], e.get_text().split('-')[1]) for e in grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels()] # Set labels names grid.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(labelsx) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels(labelsy, rotation=0) #grid.ax_heatmap.set_aspect('equal') # Format figure plt.suptitle('Antibiogram (%s, %s)' % (metric.lower(),method.lower())) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3, top=0.9, left=0.05, right=0.7) # Return return grid
if __name__ == '__main__': # Configure seaborn style (context=talk) sns.set(style="white") # Set matplotlib mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 9 mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 9 mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 11 mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 9 # Pandas configuration pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 40) pd.set_option('display.width', 300) pd.set_option('display.precision', 4) # Numpy configuration np.set_printoptions(precision=2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # helper methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data path. path = '../fixtures/fixture_antibiogram.csv' # ------------------------------- # Load data # ------------------------------- # Load dataframe = pd.read_csv(path) # ------------------------------- # Create object # ------------------------------- # Antibiogram plotter antibiogram = Antibiogram(column_organism='organismCode', column_antibiotic='antibioticCode', column_genus='specieName', column_category='antibioticClass', column_index='sari') # Fit antibiogram antibiogram = # --------- # Example 1 # ---------- antibiogram.plot(organisms=['ECOL', 'SAUR'], figsize=(15, 3)) # --------- # Example 2 # --------- antibiogram.plot(genera=['staphylococcus', 'klebsiella', 'streptococcus', 'enterococcus', 'enterobacter'], categories=None, method='weighted', metric='euclidean', figsize=(16, 9)) # Show #