# Libraries
import glob
import time
import pandas as pd
# Import pyAMR
from pyamr.datasets.registries import acronym_series
from pyamr.datasets.load import load_registry_microorganisms
from pyamr.datasets.load import load_registry_antimicrobials
# ---------------------------------
# Methods
# ---------------------------------
[docs]def create_microorganisms_lookup_table(orgs):
Creates the look up table for the organisms.
This method uses the information in the organisms dataframe
and the information in the default microorganisms registry
to create a unique lookup table for the data.
orgs: pd.DataFrame
The DataFrame with the organism genus and organism species
for which the look up table should be created. The DataFrame
must contain the following columns:
Lookup table DataFrame with the following columns:
# Check
if not 'genus' in orgs:
print("Missing <genus> column.")
if not 'species' in orgs:
print("Missing <species> column.")
if not 'microorganism_name' in orgs:
print("Missing <microorganism_name> column.")
# Read microorganisms registry
reg = load_registry_microorganisms()
# --------------
# Step 1
# --------------
# First, merge those rows within gram_stain and taxonomy
# that have equal genus and species. Note that we are
# only merging if both values exist and are equal.
# Merge
orgs = pd.merge(orgs, reg,
left_on=['genus', 'species'],
right_on=['genus', 'species']
# Those merged exist in registry.
orgs['exists_in_registry'] = orgs.acronym.notna()
# --------------
# Step 2
# --------------
# Second, for those values whose taxonomy-related columns
# are null, use the taxonomy information based only on the
# genus. This does not overwrite step 1.
# Taxonomy columns
ctaxonomy = ['domain', 'phylum', 'class', 'order', 'family']
# Create aux
aux = pd.merge(orgs[['genus']],
reg.drop(columns=['species', 'acronym'])\
.drop_duplicates() \
.groupby('genus') \
# Update orgs
# -------------------
# Create new acronyms
# -------------------
# .. note: In order to be similar to the ones used in
# HH hospital, we can pass the minimum value
# as lg=1, ls=4 and length of 4 if only one
# word.
# Columns with missing acronyms
idxs = orgs.acronym.isna()
# Fill with new acronyms
orgs.loc[idxs, 'acronym'] = \
acronym_series(orgs.loc[idxs, 'microorganism_name'].fillna(''),
unique_acronyms=True, verbose=0,
kwgs_acronym={'sep': '_'})
# Columns
keep = ['domain',
# Filter
orgs = orgs[[c for c in keep if c in orgs]]
# Return
return orgs
[docs]def create_antimicrobials_lookup_table(abxs):
"""Creates the look up table for the antimicorbials.
This method uses the information in the antibiotics dataframe
and the information in the default antimicrobials registry
to create a unique lookup table for the data.
abxs: pd.DataFrame
The DataFrame with ... The DataFrame must contain the following
Lookup table DataFrame with the following columns:
# Check
if not 'microorganism_name' in abxs:
print("Missing <antimicrobial_name> column.")
# Read microorganisms registry
reg = load_registry_antimicrobials()
# --------------
# Step 1
# --------------
# First, merge those rows with equal names.
# Merge
abxs = pd.merge(abxs, reg,
# Those merged exist in registry.
abxs['exists_in_registry'] = abxs.acronym.notna()
# -------------------
# Create new acronyms
# -------------------
# .. note: In order to be similar to the ones used in
# HH hospital, we can pass the minimum value
# as lg=1, ls=4 and length of 4 if only one
# word.
# Columns with missing acronyms
idxs = abxs.acronym.isna()
# Fill with new acronyms
abxs.loc[idxs, 'acronym'] = \
acronym_series(abxs.loc[idxs, 'antimicrobial_name'].fillna(''),
unique_acronyms=True, verbose=0,
'sep': '_',
'exceptions': []})
# Columns
keep = ['name',
# Filter
abxs = abxs[[c for c in keep if c in abxs]]
# Return
return abxs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Import
import csv
import yaml
import time
import logging
import logging.config
import pandas as pd
# Specific
from pathlib import Path
# PyAMR specific methods
from pyamr.datasets.clean import clean_clwsql008
from pyamr.datasets.clean import clean_legacy
from pyamr.datasets.clean import clean_mimic
# Configure logging
with open('./logging.yaml', 'rt') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
# Get logger
logger = logging.getLogger('dev')
# ---------------------------------
# Constant
# ---------------------------------
# Time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
# ---------------------------------
# Methods
# ---------------------------------
def strdf(df):
return "\n\t{0}\n".format(df.to_string().replace('\n', '\n\t'))
# ---------------------------------
# Load data
# ---------------------------------
# Define path
path = './nhs/legacy/'
path = './nhs/clwsql008/'
tuples = [
('./nhs/legacy', clean_legacy),
('./nhs/clwsql008', clean_clwsql008),
#('./nhs/test', clean_clwsql008),
#('./nhs/test2', clean_legacy),
#('./mimic/mimic-iv-v0.4', clean_mimic),
('./yujia/raw', clean_clwsql008)
# Combined data
combined = []
# For each tuple
for path, f_clean in tuples:
print("Loading... {0}".format(path))
# Load data (multiple files)
data = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f,
encoding="ISO-8859-1", engine='c')
for f in glob.glob(path + "/*.csv")])
# Clean data
data = f_clean(data)
# Combine
# Merge
data = pd.concat(combined)
# Basic formatting
data = data.drop_duplicates()
# -------------------
# Anonymise
# -------------------
# Create hos_number to id mapper
#unique = data.patient_id.unique()
#pid_map = dict(zip(unique, range(len(unique))))
# Include categories
#data.patient_id = data.patient_id.map(pid_map)
#unique = data.patient_hos_number.unique()
#pid_map = dict(zip(unique, range(len(unique))))
# Include categories
#data.patient_id = data.patient_hos_number.map(pid_map)
# Show
# ----------------------------------
# Create Microorganisms LookUp table
# ----------------------------------
# Organism columns
columns = ['microorganism_code',
# Extract organisms information from susceptibility
orgs = data[columns].copy(deep=True)
orgs = orgs.drop_duplicates(subset=['microorganism_name'])
# Create genus and species
orgs[['genus', 'species']] = \
orgs.microorganism_name.str.split(expand=True, n=1)
# Format genus and species
orgs.genus = orgs.genus.str.title()
orgs.species = orgs.species.str.lower()
# Sort
orgs = orgs.sort_values(by=['genus', 'species'])
# Create microorganisms database
orgs = create_microorganisms_lookup_table(orgs)
# ----------------------------------
# Create Antimicrobials LookUp table
# ----------------------------------
# Organism columns
columns = ['antimicrobial_code',
# Extract organisms information from susceptibility
abxs = data[columns].copy(deep=True)
abxs = abxs.drop_duplicates(subset=['antimicrobial_name'])
# Format genus and species
abxs.antimicrobial_name = abxs.antimicrobial_name.str.capitalize()
# Sort
abxs = abxs.sort_values(by=['antimicrobial_name'])
# Create microorganisms database
abxs = create_antimicrobials_lookup_table(abxs)
# --------------------------
# Logging useful information
# --------------------------
# This code logs the unique values and the corresponding
# count for the columns specified in the array. Note that
# it handles if itdoes not exist (maybe warn?).
# Report unique values.
for c in ['sensitivity_code',
if not c in data:
# Get value counts
aux = data[c].value_counts()
# Log information
logger.info("\n{0}:\n{1}".format(c, strdf(aux)))
# This code logs the duplicated values for the subsets
# included in the array regarding the MICROORGANISMS.
# Should we also include names?
for subset in [['microorganism_code'], ['acronym']]:
# Get duplicates
idxs_dup = orgs[['microorganism_name',
'acronym']] \
.duplicated(subset=subset, keep=False)
# Log information
logger.info("\nDuplicated: {0}\n\n{1}".
format(subset, strdf(orgs[idxs_dup])))
# This code logs the duplicated values for the subsets
# included in the array regarding the ANTIMICROBIALS.
# Should we also include names?
for subset in [['name'], ['acronym']]:
# Get duplicates
idxs_dup = abxs[['name',
'acronym']] \
.duplicated(subset=subset, keep=False)
# Log information
logger.info("\nDuplicated {0}:\n\n{1}"
.format(subset, strdf(abxs[idxs_dup])))
# Report duplicated values (antimicrobials)
# Create basic information
sensitivity = data.sensitivity_code.value_counts()
gram_stain = orgs.gram_stain.value_counts()
# Create duplicates
aux = orgs[['microorganism_name',
# Find duplicates
idxs_dup_code = orgs.duplicated(subset=['microorganism_code'], keep=False)
idxs_dup_acrm = orgs.duplicated(subset=['acronym'], keep=False)
# Basic information
logger.info("\nGram stain:\n{0}".format(strdf(gram_stain)))
logger.info("\nDuplicate codes:\n{0}".format(strdf(aux[idxs_dup_code])))
logger.info("\nDuplicate acronyms:\n{0}".format(strdf(aux[idxs_dup_acrm])))
# ----------
# Filter
# ----------
# We have to remove those dates in which the date_received is none
# because otherwise we cannot group the data by year to store it
# in different files. In addition, the others are also required to
# have a meaningful susceptibility test record.
data = data.dropna(how='any',
# ----------
# Save
# ----------
# Columns
keep = ['date_received',
# Filter
data = data[[c for c in keep if c in data]]
# ----------
# Save
# ----------
# Define path
path = Path('./%s' % timestr)
# Create path if it does not exist
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Save databases
abxs.to_csv(path / 'antimicrobials.csv', index=False)
orgs.to_csv(path / 'microorganisms.csv', index=False)
# Create grouper
grouper = pd.Grouper(key='date_received', freq='Y')
# Save susceptibility grouped
for n, g in data.groupby(grouper):
# Create filename
filename = "susceptibility-%s.csv" % n.strftime('%Y')
# Save
g.to_csv(path / filename, index=False,
date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', # dont check excels! check csvs!
# Logging
logger.info('The results have been saved in: %s' % path)