Source code for pyamr.datasets.clean

# Libraries
import re
import collections
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
    'ss': 's',

    'AAUGU': 'AAUG'

    'ACINE2': 'ACINE',
    'CNS2': 'CNS',
    'CNS3': 'CNS',
    'ECOL2': 'ECOL',
    'KPN2': 'KPNE',
    'PAER2': 'PAER',
    'SAUR2': 'SAUR',
    'LFC2': 'LFC',
    'COLIF2': 'COLIF',
    'COLI2': 'COLIF',
    'ENTAE2': 'EAER',
    'ENTAE': 'EAER',
    'VRE': 'ENTC',
    'MRSA': 'SAUR',
    'MCNS': 'CNS',
    'A_ECOLI': 'ECOL',

    '\([^)]*\)': '',  # Remove everything between ()
    '\s{2,}': ' ',  # Remove duplicated spaces
    'gentamicin 200': 'gentamicin'

    # Replace basic
    'strep\.': 'streptococcus ',
    'staph\.': 'staphylococcus ',
    'species': 'sp.',
    'sp.($| )': '',
    'sp(.)?($| )': ' ',
    'second': '',
    'third': '',
    '2nd': '',
    '3rd': '',
    # Specific
    '\*\*\* mrsa \*\*\* isolated': 'staphylococcus aureus',


[docs]def invert(d): return {v:k for k,v in d.items()}
#def invert(d): # return reversed(list(d.items())) # .. note: Keep everything lowercase because all the # columns are str.lower() before doing any # formatting/replacement in clean_common. # # .. note: Using an ordered dict. Thus, when inverting # the dictionaries, for repeated entries # (e.g. sensitive SS and S) the latter will # be used. SPECIMEN_CODE_MAP = { 'URNCUL': 'URICUL' } SPECIMEN_NAME_MAP = { 'Urine Micro': 'Urine Culture' } # '9MRSN': 'MRSCUL', # 'URINE CULTURE': 'URICUL', # 'WOUND CULTURE': 'WOUCUL', # 'BLOOD CULTURE': 'BLDCUL', # 'SPUTUM CULTURE': 'SPTCUL', ##'CSF CULTURE': 'CSFCUL', # 'EYE CULTURE': 'EYECUL', # 'GENITALCUL': 'GENCUL', # 'NEONATAL SCREEN': 'NEOCUL', METHOD_CODE_MAP = { 'DD': 'Disk Difussion', 'PHO': 'Public Health Laboratory', 'MIC': 'Minimum Inhibitory Concentration', 'MASTU': 'Microscopy-Based Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing', } SENSITIVITY_CODE_MAP = collections.OrderedDict({ 'ss': 'sensitive', 's': 'sensitive', 'r': 'resistant', 'i': 'intermediate', 'nd': 'not done', 'hr': 'highly resistant', '<<do not report>>': 'hide', 'hide': '<<do not report>>', 'validation fix entry': 'fix', 'fix': 'validation fix entry', }) # Note that they will be executed in order and thus # order matters. The changes on the first expression # will affect the cells that will be used in the next # iteration REGEX_MAP = { '\([^)]*\)': '', # Remove everything between () '(\s)?\-(\s)?': '-', # Remove spaces before after hyphen 'species': '', # Rename species for next regexp 'o157': '', # Remove scherichia coli o157 'sp(\.)?(\s|$)+': ' ', # Remove sp from word. 'sp..': ' ', # Remove sp.. <--- HOW TO DO IT WITH PREVIOUS! 'strep(\.|\s|$)': 'streptococcus ', # Complete 'staph(\.|\s|$)': 'staphylococcus ', # Complete 'staphylococci': 'staphylococcus', # Correction (add mixed? group?) 'streptococci': 'streptococcus', # Correction (add mixed? group?) '\s+': ' ', # Remove duplicated spaces. } REGEX_MAP_BASIC = { '\s+': ' ', # Remove duplicated spaces. } # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Helper methods # -----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hyphen_before(x, w): """Ensures hyphen between words is correct. Parameters ---------- x: string The string to format w: string The word preceded by hyphen. Returns ------- string The formatted string """ # Ensure it is a string if not isinstance(x, str): return x # Create expression regexp = re.compile(r'(\S*)(\s+)(%s)(\W)+'%w) # Return return re.sub(regexp, r'\1-\3 ', x)
[docs]def word_to_start(x, w, pos='start', verbose=0): """Moves the word within the string. Parameters ---------- x: string The string to format w: word The word to relocate within the string. pos: string, default start The position to insert the word. The possible options are start (at the beginning) or end (at the end) of the string. verbose: int Level of verbosity Returns ------- string Formatted string """ # Ensure it is a string if not isinstance(x, str): return x # Create regular expression regexp = re.compile(\ r'(.*|^)(\W|^)%s(\W|$)(.*|$)' % w, flags=re.IGNORECASE) # Return value if it does not fit. if not bool(re.match(regexp, x)): return x # Return if pos == 'start': return '%s ' % w + x.replace(w, '') if pos == 'end': return x.replace(w, '') + ' %s' % w
[docs]def string_replace(series, remove={}): """This method corrects the strings. Parameters ---------- series: remove: Returns ------- """ # Format (lower) series = series.str.lower() # Do str replacements for k, v in remove.items(): series = series.str.replace(k, v) # Format (strip) series = series.str.strip() # Return return series
# ---------------------------------------------------- # Main cleaners # ----------------------------------------------------
[docs]def clean_basic(data): """Performs the basic cleaning. 1. Everything to lowercase 2. Remove spaces begin/end (strip) 3. Remove duplicate spaces (regexp) 4. Remove duplicates Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The data to clean. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The cleaned data """ # Copy dataframe data = data.copy(deep=True) # Put everything to lowercase data = data.applymap(lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else x) # Drop all spaces data = data.applymap(lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x) # Drop extra spaces #{'\s+': ' '} # Remove duplicated spaces. # Basic formatting data = data.drop_duplicates() # Return return data
[docs]def clean_format(data): """Final formatting...""" aux = data.copy(deep=True) # Format title for c in ['patient_name', 'patient_surname']: if c in aux: aux[c] = aux[c].str.title() # Format lower (not needed) for c in ['antimicrobial_name', 'microorganism_name', 'sensitivity_name', 'method_name']: if c in aux: aux[c] = aux[c].str.lower() # Format upper for c in ['antimicrobial_code', 'microorganism_code', 'sensitivity_code', 'method_code']: if c in aux: aux[c] = aux[c].str.upper() # Strip strings aux = aux.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() \ if x.dtype == "object" else x) # Format date-times for c in ['date_received', 'date_outcome']: if c in aux: aux[c] = pd.to_datetime(aux[c], errors='coerce') # Drop duplicates aux = aux.drop_duplicates()
[docs]def clean_clwsql008(data, clean_microorganism=True): """Performs cleaning for clwsql008 data 1. rename columns 2. clean basic 3. correct issue with sensitivities 4. correct issue with date_received Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The data to clean. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The cleaned data """ # --------------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------------- # Rename columns rename = { 'DiagnosticTestID': 'uuid', 'ReceiveDate': 'received_date', 'ReceiveTime': 'received_time', 'PtNumber': 'patient_hos_number', 'AccNumber': 'laboratory_number', 'BatTstCode': 'specimen_code', 'OrderName': 'specimen_name', 'SpecType': 'specimen_description', 'OrgPieceCounter': 'microorganism_piece_counter', 'OrgCode': 'microorganism_code', 'Organism': 'microorganism_name', 'DrugCode': 'antimicrobial_code', 'AntiBiotic Name': 'antimicrobial_name', 'SensMethod': 'method_code', 'Sensitivity': 'sensitivity_name', 'MIC': 'mic', 'Reported': 'reported', 'FinalDate': 'date_outcome' } # There are both code and names merged. sensitivity_code_map = { 's': 'sensitive', 'ss': 'sensitive', 'r': 'resistant', 'i': 'intermediate', 'nd': 'not done', 'hr': 'highly resistant', 'hide': 'hide', 'fix': 'validation fix entry' } sensitivity_name_map = { 'sensitive': 's', 'resistant': 'r', 'intermediate': 'i', 'not done': 'nd', 'highly resistant': 'hr', 'hide': 'hide', '<<do not report>>': 'hide', 'validation fix entry': 'fix' } # -------------------------- # Method # -------------------------- # The method codes are given but the method names are not # included. We could use this opportunity to set their # values data = data.rename(columns=rename) data = clean_basic(data) #data = data.convert_dtypes() # -------------------------- # Correct sensitivities # -------------------------- # Replace codes with the names data['sensitivity_name'] = \ data.sensitivity_name.replace(sensitivity_code_map) # Map names to corresponding codes data['sensitivity_code'] = \ # Add columns (will be replaced later) if 'sensitivity_code' in data: data['sensitivity'] = data.sensitivity_code # -------------------------- # Add method name # -------------------------- #data['method_name'] = data.method_code # -------------------------- # Clean microorganism # -------------------------- if clean_microorganism: # Create registry from pyamr.datasets.registries import MicroorganismRegistry # Create registry rego = MicroorganismRegistry(keyword='microorganism').fit(data) # Format microorganism name data.microorganism_name = \ rego.replace(data.microorganism_name, key='original', value='name') # #data['date_received'] = pd.to_datetime( # data['ReceiveDate'] + ' ' + data['ReceiveTime'], errors='coerce') data['date_received'] = pd.to_datetime( data['date_received_date'] + ' ' + data['date_received_time'], errors='coerce') data['date_outcome'] = pd.to_datetime(data['FinalDate'], errors='coerce') # -------------------------- # Add date # -------------------------- # Add new column date #data['date_received'] = pd.to_datetime( # data.received_date + ' ' + data.received_time, errors='coerce') # Format date-times for c in ['date_received', 'date_outcome']: if c in data: data[c] = pd.to_datetime(data[c], errors='coerce') # Return data return data
[docs]def clean_legacy(data, clean_microorganism=True, verbose=10): """This method cleans microbiology data from legacy. 1. Rename columns 2. clean basic 3. Add sensitivity code 4. Correct specimen issue Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The data to clean Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The cleaned data """ # --------------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------------- # Rename columns rename = { 'dateReceived': 'date_received', 'age': 'age', 'gender': 'gender', 'patNumber': 'patient_hos_number', 'labNumber': 'laboratory_number', 'orderCode': 'specimen_code', 'orderName': 'specimen_name', 'specimenType': 'specimen_description', 'OrgPieceCounter': 'microorganism_piece_counter', 'organismCode': 'microorganism_code', 'organismNameOrig': 'microorganism_name', 'antibioticCode': 'antimicrobial_code', 'antibioticName': 'antimicrobial_name', 'sensitivity': 'sensitivity_name' } # Map sensitivity names with codes. sensitivity_name_map = { 'sensitive': 's', 'resistant': 'r', 'intermediate': 'i', 'not done': 'nd', 'highly resistant': 'hr', '<<do not report>>': 'hide', 'validation fix entry': 'fix' } # -------------------------- # Method # -------------------------- # The method codes are given but the method names are not # included. We could use this opportunity to set their # values # Drop duplicates data = data.rename(columns=rename) data = clean_basic(data) #data = data.convert_dtypes() # issue with np.nan in replace # -------------------------- # Correct sensitivities # -------------------------- # Create column code data['sensitivity_code'] = \ # -------------------------- # Correct specimens # -------------------------- # Get those with both name and code aux = data[['specimen_code', 'specimen_name']] aux = aux.dropna(how='any').drop_duplicates() tup1 = zip(aux.specimen_name, aux.specimen_code) tup2 = zip(aux.specimen_code, aux.specimen_name) # Replace names that appear in code data.specimen_code = data.specimen_code.replace(dict(tup1)) # Fill missing (NaN) names data.specimen_name = data.specimen_name \ .fillna(data.specimen_code.replace(dict(tup2))) # -------------------------- # Add method code/name # -------------------------- data['method_name'] = None data['method_code'] = None # -------------------------- # Clean microorganism # -------------------------- if clean_microorganism: # Create registry from pyamr.datasets.registries import MicroorganismRegistry # Create registry rego = MicroorganismRegistry(keyword='microorganism').fit(data) # Could I do it with fit_transform(data) # Format microorganism name data.microorganism_name = \ rego.replace(data.microorganism_name, key='original', value='name') # Format date-times for c in ['date_received', 'date_outcome']: if c in data: data[c] = pd.to_datetime(data[c], errors='coerce') # Return return data
[docs]def clean_microorganism(data): """This method....""" # Copy data aux = data.copy(deep=True) # Add backup columns microorganism_name_original = \ aux.microorganism_name # Put everything to lowercase aux = aux.applymap(lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else x) # Save microorganism name origina aux['microorganism_name_original'] = \ microorganism_name_original # Apply regexp mapping aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.replace(regex=REGEX_MAP) # Correct hyphens for hp in ['haemolytic']: aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.str.lower() \ .transform(hyphen_before, w=hp) # Correct order of genus for sp in ['enterococcus', 'staphylococcus', 'streptococcus', 'coliform']: aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.str.lower() \ .transform(word_to_start, w=sp, pos='start') # Correct order of tags for sp in ['methicillin resistant', 'vancomycin resistant', 'mixed']: aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.str.lower() \ .transform(word_to_start, w=sp, pos='end') # Apply regexp mapping aux = aux.replace(regex=REGEX_MAP) # Strip aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.str.strip() keep = ['microorganism_name', 'microorganism_code', 'microorganism_name_original'] # Sort aux = aux[keep] aux = aux.drop_duplicates(subset=['microorganism_name']) aux = aux.sort_values(by='microorganism_name') aux = aux.reset_index(drop=True) aux.insert(0, 'microorganism_id', aux.index) # Return return aux
[docs]def clean_common(data, verbose=10): """This method cleans the microbiology data. It assumes the following columns are imputed: date_received date_outcome microorganism_code microorganism_name (required = True) antimicrobial_code antimicrobial_name method_code method_name sensitivity_code sensitivity_name Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The dataframe to clean Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The cleaned dataframe """ # ------------------------------ # Constants # ------------------------------ # Create required columns required = [ 'date_received', 'date_outcome', 'specimen_name', 'microorganism_name', 'antimicrobial_name', 'method_name', 'sensitivity_name'] # Copy data aux = data.copy(deep=True) # Add required columns for c in required: if not c in aux.columns: aux[c] = None # ------------------------------ # Missing columns and replace # ------------------------------ # Add backup columns aux['microorganism_name_original'] = \ aux.microorganism_name aux['antimicrobial_name_original'] = \ aux.antimicrobial_name # Put everything to lowercase aux = aux.applymap(lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else x) for c in ['specimen', 'method', 'sensitivity']: c_name = '%s_name' % c c_code = '%s_code' % c if c_code not in aux: aux[c_code] = aux[c_name] aux[c_name].fillna(aux[c_code], inplace=True) # Verbose if verbose > 5: print("Formatting... specimen/method/sensitivity.") # .. note: It would be also possible to forget about the # codes and create our own acronyms ensuring that # they are unique. # Fix codes (ss -> s) if 'sensitivity_code' in aux: aux.sensitivity_code = \ aux.sensitivity_code.replace(SENSITIVITY_CODE_REPLACE) if 'microorganism_code' in aux: aux.microorganism_code = \ aux.microorganism_code.replace(MICROORGANISM_CODE_REPLACE) if 'antimicrobial_code' in aux: aux.antimicrobial_code = \ aux.antimicrobial_code.replace(ANTIMICROBIAL_CODE_REPLACE) # Replace aux = aux.replace({ 'specimen_name': SPECIMEN_CODE_MAP, 'specimen_code': invert(SPECIMEN_CODE_MAP), 'method_name': METHOD_CODE_MAP, 'method_code': invert(METHOD_CODE_MAP), 'sensitivity_name': SENSITIVITY_CODE_MAP, 'sensitivity_code': invert(SENSITIVITY_CODE_MAP) }) # ------------------------------ # Fixing orgs/abxs names # ------------------------------ # Verbose if verbose > 5: print("Formatting... microorganism/antimicrobials.") # Apply regexp mapping aux = aux.replace(regex=REGEX_MAP) # Correct hyphens for hp in ['haemolytic']: aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.str.lower() \ .transform(hyphen_before, w=hp) # Correct order of genus for sp in ['enterococcus', 'staphylococcus', 'streptococcus', 'coliform']: aux.microorganism_name = \ aux.microorganism_name.str.lower() \ .transform(word_to_start, w=sp) # Apply regexp mapping aux = aux.replace(regex=REGEX_MAP) # ------------------------------ # String formatting # ------------------------------ # Verbose if verbose > 5: print("Formatting... lower/title/upper.") # Format title for c in ['patient_name', 'patient_surname']: if c in aux: aux[c] = aux[c].str.title() # Format lower (not needed) for c in ['antimicrobial_name', 'microorganism_name', 'sensitivity_name', 'method_name']: if c in aux: aux[c] = aux[c].str.lower() # Format upper for c in ['antimicrobial_code', 'microorganism_code', 'sensitivity_code', 'method_code']: if c in aux: aux[c] = aux[c].str.upper() # Strip strings aux = aux.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() \ if x.dtype == "object" else x) # ------------------------------ # Time formatting # ------------------------------ # Verbose if verbose > 5: print("Formatting... date_received/date_outcome.") # Format date-times for c in ['date_received', 'date_outcome']: if c in aux: aux[c] = pd.to_datetime(aux[c], errors='coerce') # We could also use the convert_dtypes, however there is a big # issue with the pd.NA values. I think that issue is only if # we want to apply replace and there are pd.NA (only works with # np.nan) but it should be fine now that all that has been done. #aux = aux.convert_dtypes() # Remove empty (sensitivity, date_received, ...?) #aux = aux.dropna(how='any', subset=[]) # Drop duplicates aux = aux.drop_duplicates() # Return return aux
[docs]def clean_clwsql008_old(data, verbose=10): """This method cleans microbiology data from clwsql008. .. notes: CLW-SQL-008 - The sensitivity values found are { 'SS', 'R', 'ND', 'I', 'HIDE', 'HR' } .. note: Using UTC=True gives an error when using django-import-export to import the data in the databases (commented). Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The dataframe with the data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The cleaned dataframe. """ # --------------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------------- # Rename columns rename = { 'DiagnosticTestID': 'uuid', 'ReceiveDate': 'received_date', 'ReceiveTime': 'received_time', 'PtNumber': 'patient_hos_number', 'AccNumber': 'laboratory_number', 'BatTstCode': 'specimen_code', 'OrderName': 'specimen_name', 'SpecType': 'specimen_description', 'OrgPieceCounter': 'microorganism_piece_counter', 'OrgCode': 'microorganism_code', 'Organism': 'microorganism_name', 'DrugCode': 'antimicrobial_code', 'AntiBiotic Name': 'antimicrobial_name', 'SensMethod': 'method_code', 'Sensitivity': 'sensitivity_code', 'MIC': 'mic', 'Reported': 'reported', 'FinalDate': 'date_outcome' } # -------------------------- # Method # -------------------------- # The method codes are given but the method names are not # included. We could use this opportunity to set their # values # Drop duplicates data = data.drop_duplicates() data = data.rename(columns=rename) #data = data.convert_dtypes() # Show if verbose > 5: print("\n") print(data.columns) # Add new columns data['date_received'] = pd.to_datetime( data.received_date + ' ' + data.received_time, errors='coerce') # Final formatting data = clean_common(data, verbose) # Return return data
[docs]def clean_legacy_old(data, verbose=10): """This method cleans microbiology data from legacy. .. notes: LEGACY - The sensitivities found are ... Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The dataframe with the data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The cleaned dataframe. """ # --------------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------------- # Rename columns rename = { 'dateReceived': 'date_received', 'age': 'age', 'gender': 'gender', 'patNumber': 'patient_hos_number', 'labNumber': 'laboratory_number', 'orderCode': 'specimen_code', 'orderName': 'specimen_name', 'specimenType': 'specimen_description', 'OrgPieceCounter': 'microorganism_piece_counter', 'organismCode': 'microorganism_code', 'organismNameOrig': 'microorganism_name', 'antibioticCode': 'antimicrobial_code', 'antibioticName': 'antimicrobial_name', 'sensitivity': 'sensitivity_name' } # -------------------------- # Method # -------------------------- # The method codes are given but the method names are not # included. We could use this opportunity to set their # values # Drop duplicates data = data.drop_duplicates() data = data.rename(columns=rename) #data = data.convert_dtypes() # issue with np.nan in replace # Show if verbose > 5: print("\n") print(data.columns) # Final formatting data = clean_common(data, verbose) # Return return data
[docs]def clean_mimic(data): """This method... .. note: Need to merge datetime for date and datetime for time as done in the datablend package if want full info. """ # --------------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------------- # Rename columns rename = { 'subject_id': 'patient_hos_number', 'micro_specimen_id': 'laboratory_number', 'spec_type_desc': 'specimen_description', 'test_seq': 'microorganism_piece_counter', 'org_name': 'microorganism_name', 'ab_name': 'antimicrobial_name', 'test_name' : 'method', 'interpretation': 'sensitivity_name', 'chartdate': 'date_received', 'storedate': 'date_outcome' } # Replace values replace = { #'sensitivity': SENSITIVITY_MAP, 'microorganism_code': MICROORGANISM_CODE_REPLACE, 'microorganism_name': MICROORGANISM_NAME_MAP, 'antimicrobial_code': ANTIMICROBIAL_CODE_REPLACE } # Rename data = data.rename(columns=rename) # Replace data = data.replace(replace) # Format data.microorganism_name = data.microorganism_name.str.capitalize() data.antimicrobial_name = data.antimicrobial_name.str.capitalize() data['microorganism_code'] = data.microorganism_name data['antimicrobial_code'] = data.antimicrobial_name data['specimen_code'] = data.specimen_description # Format date if 'date_received' in data: # Convert to datetime. data.date_received = \ pd.to_datetime(data.date_received, errors='coerce') # Ignore those without result data = data[data.sensitivity.notna()] # Return return data