# Author: Bernard Hernandez
# Filename: antibiotics.py
# Date: 02/09/2015
# Description:
# This script creates a map to solve possible issues of misspelled antibiotics,
# or differences as upper/lower cases, unnecessary spaces, missing codes, ...
# Hence, it creates a conversion between the original antibiotic name to an
# homogenous antibiotic name, and the original code and an homogeneous code.
# Generic libraries.
import sys
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
# Own libraries.
import settings.organisms as ORG
import settings.antibiotics as ANT
import settings.microbiology as MBL
import others.io.read as pd_read
import others.clean.generic as pd_clean_gen
# =========
# Note that some of the constants used to indicate which columns should be
# lowercase, uppercase, ... are stated in the settings modules which can be
# found in modules/settings/antibiotics.py. In addition, the rename_map
# stores in modules/settings/microbiology.py should contain the mapping
# between the column names with the antibiotic name and code and the
# standard: antibioticNameOrig and antibioticCodeOrig
[docs]class AntibioticsTable:
# ----------
# Constants
# ----------
# Columns identifiers for the name and the code. Ensure that there is
# a conversion in the file modules/settings/microbiology.py from the
# input data file column names to 'antibioticCodeOrig' and
# 'ntibioticNameOrig'. The different letters indicate:
# O - the original value that will be stored in the antibiotics table
# F - the formated value that will be stored in the antibiotics table
# P - the value of the column in the input data.
nameO, codeO = 'antibioticNameOrig', 'antibioticCodeOrig'
nameF, codeF = 'antibioticName', 'antibioticCode'
# The columns that should be read from the file. Note that the original
# files are huge and might not be stored in memory. Therefore reducing
# the columns kept in memory helps.
usecols = [nameO, codeO]
# Length for automatic codes.
l = 8
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
txt = "Check that the columns with the ANTIBIOTIC name and code have "
txt+= "mapped in the rename_map variable in the file "
txt+= "module/settings/microbiology.py\n"
def _acronym(self, words):
"""This method return the acronym of several words.
return "".join(e[0] for e in words)
def _compute_main(self, name):
"""This method creates the main part of the code.
words = name.split(" ")
if len(words)==1: return name[:self.l]
elif len(words)==2: return words[0][0]+words[1][:self.l]
elif len(words)==3: return words[0][0]+words[1][0]+words[2][:self.l]
else: return self._acronym(words)
def _compute_automatic_code(self, row, l=8):
"""This method computes the automatic code (starting with A_).
# Compute.
main = self._compute_main(row[self.nameF])
code = "A_%s" % main
return code.upper()
def _compute_codes(self, df):
"""This method computes missing codes.
# compute codes
for idx,elm in df.iterrows():
# It already has a code.
if not pd.isnull(elm[self.codeO]): continue
# Needs an automatic code but name is empty.
if pd.isnull(elm[self.nameO]): continue
# Compute automatic code
df.loc[idx, self.codeF] = self._compute_automatic_code(elm)
# return
return df
[docs] def merge_table(self, df1, df2, on, conflicts):
"""This function merges the two basic columns name and code.
df1 : the old dataframe with name and code.
df2 : the new dataframe with name and code.
df_m : merged dataframe.
df_c : conflicts dataframe.
# Merged dataframe
df_m = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=on, how='outer')
for c1 in df_m.columns[1:]:
if not c1.endswith('_x') and not c1.endswith('_y'): continue
c2 = c1[:-1]+'x' if c1.endswith('_y') else c1[:-1]+'y'
df_m[c1].fillna(df_m[c2], inplace=True)
# Find conflicts
c1, c2 = conflicts+"_x", conflicts+"_y"
df_c = df_m[df_m[c1]!=df_m[c2]]
df_c = df_c[[on, c1, c2]]
# Remove duplicated columns (y)
for c in df_m.columns:
if c.endswith('y'):
del df_m[c]
# Remove column names endings.
for i,c in enumerate(df_m.columns.values):
if c.endswith('x'):
df_m.columns.values[i] = c[:-2]
# Return
return df_m, df_c
[docs] def create_table(self, data_path):
"""This method creates the table from input data
# Read data.
df = pd_read.read_data(ftype='csv',
rename_map=MBL.rename_map, # renaming cols
keep_cols=self.usecols, # keep cols
std_cols=[self.nameO, self.codeO], # std cols
# Unique combinations (NaN are not grouped so they are set to -1).
df_u = df.replace(np.nan, "None")
df_u = df_u.groupby([self.nameO, self.codeO]).size()
df_u = df_u.reset_index().rename(columns={0:'count'})
df_u = df_u.replace("None", np.nan)
df_u[self.nameF] = df_u[self.nameO]
df_u[self.codeF] = df_u[self.codeO]
#df_u = df_u.reindex(columns=ANT.database_cols)
del df_u['count']
# Cleaning data (order matters).
df_u = pd_clean_gen.lettercase(df_u, ANT.to_lowercase, 'lower')
df_u = pd_clean_gen.lettercase(df_u, ANT.to_uppercase, 'upper')
df_u = pd_clean_gen.delete_spaces(df_u, ANT.dl_spaces)
df_u = pd_clean_gen.delete_parenthesis(df_u, ANT.dl_parenthesis)
# Computing automatic codes.
df_u = self._compute_codes(df_u)
# Drop duplicates keeping the one in which the code is not NAN. For that
# purpose we sort by values (therefore sending nans to the end) and then
# use drop_duplicates() removing the last instance found.
df_u = df_u.sort_values(by=self.codeO)
df_u = df_u.drop_duplicates(subset=[self.nameO], keep='first')
df_u = df_u.sort_values(by=self.nameO)
# Name of columns
df_u.columns = [self.nameO, self.codeO, self.nameF, self.codeF]
# Return
return df_u
[docs] def update(self):
[docs] def fit(self, values, acronym):
[docs] def compute(self, input_path, output_path):
"""This method computes/updates a table from data.
input_path : the path with the data.
output_path : the path to store the table.
# Create table using input data.
tnew = self.create_table(input_path)
told = pd_read.read_data(ftype='csv', path=output_path)
# Merge tables.
dfm, dfc = tnew, None
if told is not None:
cols = [self.nameO, self.codeF]
dfm, dfc = self.merge_table(told, tnew, self.nameO, self.codeF)
# Sort and save.
dfm.sort_values(by=self.nameO, inplace=True)
dfm.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
# Show information.
self.show_information(dfm, dfc, output_path)
# return
return output_path
[docs]class AntibioticTable():
def __init__(self, to_lowercase=None,
self.to_lowercase = to_lowercase
self.to_uppercase = to_uppercase
self.delete_spaces = delete_spaces
self.delete_parenthesis = delete_parenthesis
[docs] def fit(self, dataframe):
df_u = dataframe.replace(np.nan, "None")
df_u = dataframe.groupby([self.nameO, self.codeO]).size()
df_u = dataframe.reset_index().rename(columns={0:'count'})
df_u = dataframe.replace("None", np.nan)
if self.to_lowercase is not None:
if self.to_uppercase is not None:
if self.delete_spaces is not None:
if self.delete_parenthesis is not None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Import own module
# Import specific libraries
from pyamr.datasets import load
# Constants.
goback = "../../../../"
input_path = goback + "data/raw/microbiology/csv/luke02/"
output_path = './antibiotics.csv'
# ---------------------
# load data
# ---------------------
# Load data
data = load.dataset_epicimpoc_susceptibility_year(nrows=1000)
# Tansform data
data = data[['antibioticName', 'antibioticCode']]
# ---------------------
# create builder
# ---------------------
# Builter
builder = AntibioticsTable()
# Compute antibiotic table.
builder.compute(input_path, output_path)