# Libraries
import warnings
import pandas as pd
# Own
from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
[docs]class SART:
"""Single Antimicrobial Resistance Trend.
# Attributes
c_spe = 'SPECIMEN'
c_dat = 'DATE'
c_res = 'RESISTANCE'
def __init__(self, column_specimen=c_spe,
groupby: list
The labels of the columns to groupby.
SARI instance
# Columns
self.c_spe = column_specimen
self.c_org = column_microorganism
self.c_abx = column_antimicrobial
self.c_dat = column_date
self.c_out = column_outcome
self.c_res = column_resistance
# Groupby
self.groupby = [self.c_spe,
[docs] def compute(self, dataframe, period='180D', shift='30D', cdate=None,
return_objects=True, **kwargs):
"""Computes Single Antimicrobial Resistance Index.
.. todo::
- Add parameters to rolling!
- Place value at the left, center, right of window?
- Ensure that works when time gaps present!
- Carefull with various indexes!
dataframe: pd.DataFrame
It might receive two different types of DataFrames. The first option is
a DataFrame with the raw susceptibility test records where the interpretation
('sensitive', 'intermediate', 'resistant') that will be used to compute the sari.
The second option is a DataFrame with the sari values already computed.
shift: str
Frequency value to pass to pd.Grouper.
period: str, int
Window value to pass to pd.rolling.
cdate: string, default=None
The column that will be used as date.
return_frequencies: boolean, default=True
Whether to return the frequencies or just the resistance index.
strategy: string or func, default='hard'
The method used to compute sari. The possible options
are 'soft', 'medium' and 'hard'. In addition, a function
with the following signature func(DataFrame, **kwargs)
can be passed.
(i) ``soft`` as R / R+I+S
(ii) ``medium`` as R / R+S
(iii) ``hard`` as R+I / R+I+S
(iv) ``other`` as R+0.5I / R+0.5I+S [Not yet]
**kwargs: arguments to pass the strategy function.
pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
The resistance index (pd.Series) or a pd.DataFrame with the
resistance index (sari) and the frequencies.
# Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Libraries
from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
from pyamr.core.regression.wls import WLSWrapper
from pyamr.metrics.weights import SigmoidA
# Copy DataFrame
aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True)
# ------------------------------
# Compute resistance time-series
# ------------------------------
# Create SARI instance
sar = SARI(groupby=self.groupby)
# Compute sari time-series
sari_oti = sar.compute(aux, shift=shift,
period=period, cdate='date_received')
sari_oti = sari_oti.reset_index()
# ------------------------
# Compute resistance trend
# ------------------------
# Group by tuples
groups = sari_oti.groupby(self.groupby[:-1])
# Save
objs = []
# Loop
for i, (name, group) in enumerate(groups):
print("%2s/%2s. Computing... %s" % (i+1, len(groups), str(name)))
# Warning
if aux.shape[0] < 2:
There is only one single point and therefore the
resistance trend cannot be estimated. To generate a more
granular time series please reduce the value of <shift>
or alternative find a more complete dataset.\n""".format(name))
# Interpolate (if missing dates)
aux = group \
.set_index('date_received') \
.resample(shift) \
# Extract variables
x = np.arange(len(aux.sari.values))
y = aux.sari.values * 100
f = aux.freq.values
# Create method to compute weights from frequencies
W = SigmoidA(r=200, g=0.5, offset=0.0, scale=1.0)
# Note that the function fit will call M.weights(weights) inside and will
# store the M converter in the instance. Therefore, the code executed is
# equivalent to <weights=M.weights(f)> with the only difference being that
# the weight converter is not saved.
wls = WLSWrapper(estimator=sm.WLS).fit( \
exog=x, endog=y, trend='c', weights=f,
W=W, missing='raise')
# Add pearson correlation coefficient
wls._result['pearson'] = group.sari.corr(group.freq)
# Append object
objs += [(name, wls)]
# Construct DataFrame
table = pd.DataFrame([
self.c_spe: name[0],
self.c_org: name[1],
self.c_abx: name[2]
]) for name, obj in objs])
# Set index information
table = table.set_index([
# Return
if return_objects:
return table, objs
return table
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
# Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import own libraries
from pyamr.datasets.load import load_data_nhs
# -------------------------
# Configuration
# -------------------------
# Configure seaborn style (context=talk)
# Set matplotlib
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 9
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 9
mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 11
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 9
# Pandas configuration
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 40)
pd.set_option('display.width', 300)
pd.set_option('display.precision', 4)
# Numpy configuration
# -------------------------------------------
# Load data
# -------------------------------------------
# Load data
data, antimicrobials, microorganisms = load_data_nhs()
# Show
# Select tuples
spec = ['URICUL']
orgs = ['ECOL']
abxs = ['ACELX', 'ACIP', 'AAMPC', 'ATRI', 'AAUG',
# Filter
idxs_spec = data.specimen_code.isin(spec)
idxs_orgs = data.microorganism_code.isin(orgs)
idxs_abxs = data.antimicrobial_code.isin(abxs)
# Filter
data = data[idxs_spec & idxs_orgs & idxs_abxs]
# Filter dates (2016-2018 missing)
data = data[data.date_received.between('2008-01-01', '2016-12-31')]
from pyamr.core.sart import SART
# Create instance
sar = SART(column_specimen='specimen_code',
# Compute resistance trends
table = sar.compute(data, shift='30D', period='180D')
import sys
# -------------------------------------------
# Compute OTI sari (temporal)
# -------------------------------------------
# Generic
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.robust.norms as norms
# Libraries
from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
from pyamr.core.sart import SART
from pyamr.datasets.load import make_timeseries
from pyamr.core.regression.wls import WLSWrapper
from pyamr.metrics.weights import SigmoidA
# Variables
shift, period = '30D', '180D'
# Create SARI instance
sar = SARI(groupby=['specimen_code',
# Compute SARI overall
sari_overall = sar.compute(data,
# Compute sari time-series
oti = sar.compute(data, shift=shift,
period=period, cdate='date_received')
# Show
# -------------------------------------------
# Compute resistance trend
# -------------------------------------------
# .. note: Be careful that there might be intervals (e.g. months)
# which do not appear in the DataFrame because there was
# no data (freq=0) to compute the resistance (SARI).
#sart = SART(column_specimen='specimen_code',
# column_microorganism='microorganism_name',
# column_antimicrobial='antimicrobial_name',
# column_outcome='sensitivity',
# column_resistance='sari')#
#import sys
# Group by tuples
groups = oti.reset_index()\
# Save
objs = []
# Loop
for i, (name, group) in enumerate(groups):
print("%2s/%2s. Computing... %s" % (i, len(groups), str(name)))
# Interpolate (if missing dates)
aux = group \
.set_index('date_received') \
.resample(shift) \
# Extract variables
x = np.arange(len(aux.sari.values))
y = aux.sari.values * 100
f = aux.freq.values
# Create method to compute weights from frequencies
W = SigmoidA(r=200, g=0.5, offset=0.0, scale=1.0)
# Note that the function fit will call M.weights(weights) inside and will
# store the M converter in the instance. Therefore, the code executed is
# equivalent to <weights=M.weights(f)> with the only difference being that
# the weight converter is not saved.
wls = WLSWrapper(estimator=sm.WLS).fit( \
exog=x, endog=y, trend='c', weights=f,
W=W, missing='raise')
# Add pearson correlation coefficient
wls._result['pearson'] = group.sari.corr(group.freq)
# Display
# This example shows how to make predictions using the wrapper and how
# to plot the result in data. In addition, it compares the intervals
# provided by get_prediction (confidence intervals) and the intervals
# provided by wls_prediction_std (prediction intervals).
# To Do: Implement methods to compute CI and PI (see regression).
# Variables.
start, end = None, 230
# Compute predictions (exogenous?). It returns a 2D array
# where the rows contain the time (t), the mean, the lower
# and upper confidence (or prediction?) interval.
preds = wls.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(11, 5))
# Plotting confidence intervals
# -----------------------------
# Plot truth values.
ax.plot(x, y, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
# Plot forecasted values.
ax.plot(preds[0, :], preds[1, :], color='#FF0000', alpha=1.00,
linewidth=2.0, label=wls._identifier(short=True))
# Plot the confidence intervals.
ax.fill_between(preds[0, :], preds[2, :],
preds[3, :],
# Legend
# Append object
objs += [(name, wls)]
# -------------------------------------------
# Plotting Table Graph
# -------------------------------------------
# Libraries
from pyamr.graphics.table_graph import _DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION
from pyamr.graphics.table_graph import vlinebgplot
# Configuration
rename = {
'wls-x1_coef': 'sart_m',
#'wls-const_coef': 'offset',
'wls-rsquared': 'r2',
'wls-rsquared_adj': 'r2_adj',
'wls-m_skew': 'skew',
'wls-m_kurtosis': 'kurtosis',
'wls-m_jb_prob': 'jb',
'wls-m_dw': 'dw',
'wls-const_tprob': 'ptm',
'wls-x1_tprob': 'ptn',
'wls-pearson': 'pearson',
'freq': 'freq',
# Construct DataFrame
table = pd.DataFrame([
'specimen_code': name[0],
'microorganism_code': name[1],
'antimicrobial_code': name[2]
) for name, obj in objs])
# Set index information
table = table.set_index([
# Combine and format
comb = table.join(sari_overall)
comb.index = comb.index.map('_'.join)
comb = comb.reset_index()
comb = comb.rename(columns=rename)
comb['sart_y'] = comb.sart_m * 12 # Yearly trend
comb['sari_pct'] = comb.sari * 100 # SARI percent
# Sort by trend
comb = comb.sort_values(by='sart_y', ascending=False)
# Select only numeric columns
#data = comb.select_dtypes(include=np.number)
data = comb[[
# Show DataFrame
# Create pair grid
g = sns.PairGrid(data, x_vars=data.columns[1:],
y_vars=["index"], height=3, aspect=.45)
# Draw a dot plot using the stripplot function
#g.map(sns.stripplot, size=10, orient="h", jitter=False,
# palette="flare_r", linewidth=1, edgecolor="w")
# Set common features
g.set(xlabel='', ylabel='')
# Plot strips and format axes (skipping index)
for ax, c in zip(g.axes.flat, data.columns[1:]):
# Get information
d = info[c] if c in info else {}
# Display
# sns.stripplot(data=data, x=title, y='abx', size=10,
# orient="h", jitter=False, linewidth=0.75, ax=ax,
# edgecolor="gray", palette=d.get('cmap', None))
# color='b')
# .. note: We need to use scatter plot if we want to
# assign colors to the markers according to
# their value.
# Using scatter plot
sns.scatterplot(data=data, x=c, y='index', s=100,
ax=ax, linewidth=0.75, edgecolor='gray',
c=data[c], cmap=d.get('cmap', None),
norm=d.get('norm', None))
# Plot vertical lines
for e in d.get('vline', []):
vlinebgplot(ax, top=data.shape[0], **e)
# Configure axes
ax.set(title=d.get('title', c),
xlim=d.get('xlim', None),
xticks=d.get('xticks', []),
xlabel='', ylabel='')
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', length=0)
ax.yaxis.grid(visible=True, which='major',
color='gray', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.35)
# Despine
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
# Adjust layout