Source code for pyamr.core.regression.wbase

# Author: Bernard Hernandez
# Filename:
# Description : This file contains differnent statistics used in time-series.
#               What it mainly does is to format the output of tests provided
#               by external libraries and return them in a dataframe.
# TODO: Move it to a module.
# Libraries.
import math
import pickle
import inspect
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid

[docs]class BaseWrapper(object): # This is the name of the class. _name = 'BASE' # Main attributes of the class. _raw = None # The raw object (statsmodels, scipy, ...) _result = {} # Dictionary with metrics filled in self._init_result(). _config = {} # Dictionary with configuration filled in _conkwargs = {} _fitkwargs = {} # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INIT METHOD # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor empty defined just so grid_search works in main. Note: Emptying the configuration attribute is important because when calling grid_search, the self.__class__(args) calls the __init__ method of the instance and updates the self._config dictionary. Since it has not been deepcopied, such modification will alter previous wrappers created during the grid search. """ self._raw = None self._result = {} self._config = {} self._conkwargs = {} self._fitkwargs = {} def _identifier(self): """The name to identify this object.""" return "%s" % self._name # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HELPER METHODS (PRIVATE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getattr__(self, name): """This method allows to call series attributes from wrapper instance.""" if name in self._result: return self._result[name] if name in self._config: return self._config[name] if name in self._conkwargs: return self._conkwargs[name] if name in self._fitkwargs: return self._fitkwargs[name] raise AttributeError def _cast_float(self, e): """This method casts an element to float when feasible. """ try: return float(e) except: return e def _init_result(self): """This method fills self._results with the scores in self._raw. """ pass def _init_config(self): """This method fills self._config with the configuration.""" pass # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BASIC METHODS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def fargs(self, kwargs, function): """This method returns elements in kwargs which are function inputs.""" # Get all parameters for the function. prms = inspect.getfullargspec(function) # Create dictionary and return return {k: kwargs[k] for k in prms.args if k in kwargs}
[docs] def attrs(self): """This method returns all the defined attributes as tuples.""" return inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not inspect.isroutine(a))
[docs] def methods(self): """This method returns all the defined methods as tuples.""" return inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: inspect.isroutine(a))
[docs] def save(self, fname): """This method saves the wrapper.""" pickle.dump(self.__dict__, open(fname, "wb"))
[docs] def load(self, fname): """This method loads the wrapper.""" self.__dict__.clear() self.__dict__.update(pickle.load(open(fname, "rb"))) return self
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GRID SEARCH # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CREATES SUMMARY DATAFRAMES # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def from_list_dataframe(self, wrapper_list, **kwargs): """This methods creates a dataframe summary from a list. Parameters ---------- wrapper_list : list with wrapper objects. flabel : if include the class _name in the index. Returns ------- summary : pandas dataframe. """ # Create summary. summary = pd.DataFrame() # Loop filling the summary. for i, wrapper in enumerate(wrapper_list): results = wrapper.as_series(**kwargs).rename(i) summary = pd.concat([summary, results], axis=1, join='outer') # Return return summary.T
[docs] def grid_search_dataframe(self, grid_params, **kwargs): """This method computes grid search and stores results in a dataframe. Parameters ---------- con_kwargs : arguments to be passed to the constructor method. fit_kwargs : arguments to be passed to the fit method. Returns ------- summary : summary with all the elements. """ # Compute grid search. grid_results = self.grid_search(grid_params=grid_params) # Create empty dataframe. summary = pd.DataFrame() # Loop wrappers and fill it. for i, wrapper in enumerate(grid_results): results = wrapper.as_series(**kwargs).rename(i) summary = pd.concat([summary, results], axis=1, join='outer') # Return summary. return summary
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OVERRIDE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def as_series(self, flabel=True, label=None): """This method returns a series with all the information. Parameters ---------- label : label to concatenate to index name (e.g. trend to label-trend). Returns ------- series : pandas series with the results, configuration and model. """ # Concatenate the configuration. s = {} s.update(self._result) s.update(self._config) s.update({'model': self._raw}) s.update({'id': self._identifier()}) # No label. if not flabel: return pd.Series(s) # Concat label at the beginning of the index. label = self._name if label is None and hasattr(self, '_name') else label f = lambda x: "%s-%s" % (label.lower(), x) # Return return pd.Series(s).rename(index=f, copy=True)
[docs] def as_summary(self): """This method displays the final summary.""" # Call summary function from _raw (if exists). fsummary = getattr(self._raw, "summary", None) if callable(fsummary): return fsummary(self._raw) # Show the series information. return self.as_series().__repr__()
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): """This method performs the fit.""" # Empty results and update configuration. self._results = {} self._config.update(kwargs) return self
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover # Set pandas configuration. pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 14) pd.set_option('display.width', 80) pd.set_option('display.precision', 4) # Create and fill a base statistic wrapper. w = BaseWrapper() w._raw = object() w._config = {'p': 2, 'c': 4} w._result = {'score': 25} # Get attributes tuple list. print(w.attrs()) # Get methods tuple list. print(w.methods()) # Get series with parameters. print(w.as_series()) # Print summary. print(w.as_summary()) # Quick access to an attribute. print(w.score) # ----------- # Grid search # ----------- # Parameters con_params = { 'con_1': [True], 'con_2': ['1', '2'], } fit_params = { 'fit_1': [5] } # Grid search method summary = w.grid_search_dataframe(con_kwargs=con_params, fit_kwargs=fit_params) # Show print(summary)