# Author: Bernard Hernandez
# Filename: 03-main-create-sari-idxs.py
# Description : This file contains differnent statistics used in time-series.
# What it mainly does is to format the output of tests provided
# by external libraries and return them in a dataframe.
# Forces decimals on divisions.
from __future__ import division
# Libraries
import sys
import math
import inspect
import warnings
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Libraries.
from scipy.stats import norm
from operator import attrgetter
# Import ARIMA from statsmodels.
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA
# Libraries wrapper.
from pyamr.core.regression.wreg import RegressionWrapper
from pyamr.core.regression.wreg import _forecast_error
from pyamr.core.regression.wreg import _forecast_conf_int
from pyamr.core.regression.wreg import _insample_conf_int
[docs]class ARIMAWrapper(RegressionWrapper):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# overriden
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _identifier(self):
"""Generates name to identify the model."""
return "%s%s [%s, %s]" % (getattr(self, '_name', None),
getattr(self, 'order', None),
getattr(self, 'trend', None),
getattr(self, 'exog', None) is not None)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# confidence intervals
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def conf_int_forecast(self, predictions, alpha=0.05):
"""Computes the out-sample confidence interval.
predictions : array-like
The predictions done by the model.
alpha : int
The alpha to configure the confidence interval.
# Compute forecast error
fcasterr = _forecast_error(sigma2=self._result['sigma2_coef'],
# Compute forecast interval
ciou = _forecast_conf_int(forecast=predictions,
# Return
return ciou
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# evaluate
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def evaluate(self, alpha=0.05):
"""Generates a dictionary with the relevant attributes.
.. note::
There is an issue with the method conf_int(alpha). It can receive
as input parameters a pandas series or a numpy array. We are using
it with numpy array as input, hence when pandas series is passed
the method _init_result gives an error.
Include ref to `statsmodels:Arima` and `statsmodels:ArimaResults`.
alpha : the confidence interval.
dictionary : map with all the parameters.
# Create series.
d = {}
# Add generic metrics.
d['aic'] = self._raw.aic
d['bic'] = self._raw.bic
d['hqic'] = self._raw.hqic
d['llf'] = self._raw.llf
# Create params information.
params_data = zip(self._raw.data.param_names,
# Add coefficients statistics to series.
for name, coef, std, tvalue, pvalue, (cil, ciu) in params_data:
d['%s_%s'%(name, 'coef')] = coef
d['%s_%s'%(name, 'std')] = std
d['%s_%s'%(name, 'tvalue')] = tvalue
d['%s_%s'%(name, 'tprob')] = pvalue
d['%s_%s'%(name, 'cil')] = cil
d['%s_%s'%(name, 'ciu')] = ciu
# Further statistics
# Extra useful infomation
d['converged'] = self._raw.mle_retvals['converged']
# Return
return d
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# summary method
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def as_summary(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns a summary string (statsmodels inspired)
# Variables.
n = 12 + len(self._raw.params)
om, omp , dw = 0.0, 0.0, self.m_dw
jb, jbp = self.m_jb_value, self.m_jb_prob
nm, nmp = self.m_nm_value, self.m_nm_prob
skew, kurt = self.m_skew, self.m_kurtosis
# Summary.
smry = "\n".join(self._raw.summary(**kwargs).as_text().split("\n")[:n])
# Add in new lines.
smry+= "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % ("="*78, "Manual".center(78, ' '), "-"*78)
smry+= "Omnibus: %#22.3f Durbin-Watson: %#21.3f\n" % (om, dw)
smry+= "Prob(Omnibus): %#22.3f Jarque-Bera (JB): %#21.3f\n" % (omp, jb)
smry+= "Skew: %#22.3f Prob(JB): %#21.3f\n" % (skew, jbp)
smry+= "Kurtosis_m: %#22.3f Cond No: \n" % (kurt)
smry+= "Normal (N): %#22.3f Prob(N): %#21.3f\n" % (nm, nmp)
smry+= "="*78
# Return
return smry
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# prediction method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_prediction(self, start=None, end=None, alpha=0.05, **kwargs):
"""Calls the predict function in ARIMA.
.. note::
The confidence intervals have been implemented using the following
functions ``_forecast_conf_int()`` and ``_forecast_error()``. These
are implemented in ``statsmodels.ts.arima_model.ARIMAResults``. As such,
it produces the same confidence intervals than the method ``plot_predict()``.
.. note::
The parameter start refers to the original series. As such, if the
series has been differenced (e.g. d=1) the first observation has
been lost. In those cases, start has to be greater or equal to d.
.. todo::
- Review the predictions when dynamic is set to true.
- Review the confidence intervals (in and out sample)
- Review the prediction intervals.
start : int (optional)
The time t to start the prediction
end : int (optional)
The time t to end the prediction
dynamic : bool
The dynamic keyword affects in-sample prediction. If dynamic is false
then the in-sample lagged values are used for prediction. if dynamic
is true, then in-sample forecasts are used in place of lagged
dependent variables. The first forecasted value is start.
alpha: float
The alpha value when creating the norm point percent function to
compute the confidence intervals for the forecast predictions.
typ: string-like, options = {linear, levels}
Wether to predict the original levels (levels) or predict in terms of
the differenced endogenous variables.
matrix :
# The series has been differenced.
if hasattr(self._raw.model, 'k_diff'):
# Return original levels.
if not 'typ' in kwargs:
kwargs['typ'] = 'levels'
# Compute prediction
pred = self._raw.predict(start=start, end=end, **kwargs)
# Compute time.
time = self._time(start=start, end=end)
# Divide predictions in insample/forecast
pred_in = pred[time<len(self.endog)]
pred_ou = pred[time>=len(self.endog)]
# Compute confidence intervals
ciin = self.conf_int_insample(pred_in, alpha=alpha)
ciou = self.conf_int_forecast(pred_ou, alpha=alpha)
cito = np.concatenate((ciin, ciou))
# Get plotting values.
return np.column_stack((time, pred, cito)).T
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# auto method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def auto(self, endog, exog=None, ic='bic', trends=['n','c'], max_ar=3,
max_ma=3, max_d=1, warn='ignore', return_fits=False,
converged=True, disp=0, verbose=0, **kwargs):
"""Find the best model through bruteforce.
Note: It uses grid search through the base wrapper.
endog : array-like
The endogenous variable (aka. time series data)
exog : array-like
The exogenous variable (by default is the time t starting in 0)
ic : string
The information criteria which should be any of the params which
are set in the wrapper (see method _init_result).
max_ar : number
The maximum autorregresive order to inspect.
max_ma : number
The maximum moving average order to inspect.
max_d : number
The maximum difference to inspect.
warn : string, options = {ignore, raise}
Whether or not to ignore the warnings raised
return_fits: bool
Whether or not to return all the fits. If false only the best model
is returned. If true all the models and the best model are returned
converged: bool
Whether or not to return only converging models. If false all models
are returned. If true, only those models that converged are returned.
# Compute all the orders to perform bruteforce search.
# Note that some orders are not valid, these will throw an
# exception that will be catched in the base wrapper
# grid_search method. For instance (0,0,0) is invalid.
orders = list(set(itertools.product(*[np.arange(0,max_ar+1),
# Parameters
grid_params = {'exog': [exog],
'endog': [endog],
'order': orders,
'trend': trends,
'disp': [0]}
# Perform grid search
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# What to do with the warnings
# Perform gridsearch.
wrappers = self.grid_search(grid_params=grid_params, verbose=verbose)
# Keep only those that converged.
if converged:
wrappers = [w for w in wrappers if w.converged]
# Return all
if return_fits:
return wrappers, min(wrappers, key=attrgetter(ic))
# Return only best
return min(wrappers, key=attrgetter(ic))
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
# Import
import sys
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Filter warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
# Set pandas configuration.
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 14)
pd.set_option('display.width', 140)
pd.set_option('display.precision', 4)
# Import own libraries
from pyamr.datasets.load import make_timeseries
# ----------------------------
# set basic configuration
# ----------------------------
# Matplotlib options
mpl.rc('legend', fontsize=6)
mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=6)
mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=6)
# Set pandas configuration.
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 14)
pd.set_option('display.width', 150)
pd.set_option('display.precision', 4)
# ----------------------------
# create data
# ----------------------------
# Create timeseries data
x, y, f = make_timeseries()
# Create exogenous variable
exog = x
# ----------------------------
# fit the model
# ----------------------------
# Create specific arima model.
arima = ARIMAWrapper(estimator=ARIMA).fit(endog=y[:80],
# Print series
# Print summary.
# -----------------
# Save & Load
# -----------------
# File location
#fname = '../../examples/saved/arima-sample.pickle'
# Save
# Load
#arima = ARIMAWrapper().load(fname=fname)
# -------------
# Example I
# -------------
# This example shows how to make predictions using the wrapper which has
# been previously fitted. It also demonstrateds how to plot the resulting
# data for visualization purposes. It shows two different types of
# predictions:
# - dynamic predictions in which the prediction is done based on the
# previously predicted values. Note that for the case of ARIMA(0,1,1)
# it returns a line.
# - not dynamic in which the prediction is done based on the real
# values of the time series, no matter what the prediction was for
# those values.
# Variables.
s, e = 50, 120
# Compute predictions
preds_1 = arima.get_prediction(start=s, end=e, dynamic=False)
preds_2 = arima.get_prediction(start=s, end=e, dynamic=True)
# Create figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8,3))
# Plot non-dynamic
# ----------------
# Plot truth values.
axes[0].plot(y, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
# Plot forecasted values.
axes[0].plot(preds_1[0,:], preds_1[1,:], color='#FF0000', alpha=1.00,
linewidth=2.0, label=arima._identifier())
# Plot the confidence intervals.
axes[0].fill_between(preds_1[0,:], preds_1[2,:],
# Plot dynamic
# ------------
# Plot truth values.
axes[1].plot(y, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
# Plot forecasted values.
axes[1].plot(preds_2[0,:], preds_2[1,:], color='#FF0000', alpha=1.00,
linewidth=2.0, label=arima._identifier())
# Plot the confidence intervals.
axes[1].fill_between(preds_2[0,:], preds_2[2,:],
# Configure axes
axes[0].set_title("ARIMA non-dynamic")
axes[1].set_title("ARIMA dynamic")
# Format axes
axes[0].grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.25)
axes[1].grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.25)
# Legend
# -------------------------------
# Example II - AUTO
# -------------------------------
# This example shows how to use auto to find the best overall model using
# a particular seletion criteria. It also demonstrates how to plot the
# resulting data for visualization purposes. Note that it only prints
# the top best classifier according to the information criteria.
# To do: Review the dynamic=True.
# Create object
arima = ARIMAWrapper(estimator=ARIMA)
# Find the best arima model (bruteforce).
models, best = arima.auto(endog=y[:80], ic='bic', max_ar=3,
# Sort the list (from lower to upper)
models.sort(key=lambda x: x.bic, reverse=False)
# Summary
summary = arima.from_list_dataframe(models)
# Show summary
# Create figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(10,6))
axes = axes.flatten()
# Loop for the selected models
for i,estimator in enumerate(models[:9]):
# Show information
print("%2d. Estimator (bic=%.2f): %s " % \
(i, estimator.bic, estimator._identifier()))
# Get the predictions
preds = estimator.get_prediction(start=s, end=e, dynamic=False)
# Plot truth values.
axes[i].plot(y, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
# Plot forecasted values.
axes[i].plot(preds[0,:], preds[1,:], color='#FF0000', alpha=1.00,
linewidth=2.0, label=estimator._identifier())
# Plot the confidence intervals.
axes[i].fill_between(preds[0,:], preds[2,:],
# Configure axes
axes[i].grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.25)
# Set superior title
plt.suptitle("Dynamic predictions for ARIMA")
# Show
# plt.show()