Source code for pyamr.core.asai

# Author:
# Date:
# Description:
# Copyright:
from __future__ import division 

# Libraries
import sys
import warnings
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                 methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_asai_weights_genus(dataframe): # pragma: no cover
  """Checks that the weights for each genus add up to one.

  .. deprecated:: 0.0.1

  dataframe : dtaframe-like
    The dataframe whose columns must be checked

  raise error  
  # Compute weights per genus
  weights = dataframe.groupby(by='GENUS')['W_SPECIE'].sum()
  weights = np.round(weights, decimals=10)

  # Check that all add up to one
  if not (weights==1).all():
    raise TypeError("The weights (W_SPECIE) for each genus should add up to "
                    "one. Please review these weights since they are not "
                    "valid. \n%s" % weights)

def _check_asai_weights_specie(dataframe): # pragma: no cover
  """Check that the weights for all the species add up to one.

  .. deprecated:: 0.0.1

  dataframe : dtaframe-like
    The dataframe whose columns must be checked

  raise error
  # Compute weights per species
  unique = dataframe.groupby(by='GENUS')['W_GENUS'].nunique()
  weights = dataframe.groupby(by='GENUS')['W_GENUS'].mean()
  merged = pd.concat([unique, weights], axis=1)
  merged.columns = ['UNIQUE', 'W_GENUS']

  # Check only one weight is given for each genus
  if not (unique==1).all():
    raise TypeError("The weights (W_GENUS) should be equal for all the rows "
                    "with a same genus value. Please ensure that the number "
                    "of unique elements is always 1. \n%s" % merged)

  # Check that weights add up to one
  if not (np.round(np.sum(weights), decimals=10)==1):
    return TypeError("The weights (W_GENUS) should add up to one. Please "
                     "review these weights since they are not valid. "
                     "\n%s" % weights)

def _check_asai_dataframe_columns(dataframe, required_columns): # pragma: no cover
  """This method checks that the dataframe has all attributes.

  .. deprecated:: 0.0.1

  dataframe : pandas DataFrame
    The dataframe containing the information.

  attributes :
    The required columns

  exit the program
  # Find missing columns
  missing = list(set(required_columns) - set(dataframe.columns))
  # There are missing columns
  if not missing: return
  # Raise an error
  raise TypeError("The dataframe passed as argument is missing the "
                  "following columns: %s. Please correct this issue." 
                  % missing)

def _asai(dataframe, threshold=None, weights='uniform'): # pragma: no cover
  """Computes the antimicrobial spectrum of activity.

  .. deprecated:: 0.0.1

  .. todo: There is an error when W_GENUS = 1 / GENUS.nunique()

  dataframe : dataframe-like
    The dataframe containing the information to compute the asai index. The 
    following columns are required [SPECIE, GENUS, RESISTANCE]. In addition,
    the effective threshold, genus weight and specie weight can be specied
    using the following columns [THRESHOLD, W_GENUS, W_SPECIE]. Note that
    the weights must add up to one.

  threshold : number
    The number to set a common threshold.

  weights : string
    Method used to compute the weights. The possible values are uniform and
    proportional. In order to use proportional a column with the frequency
    for each specie must be included in the dataframe.

  # Check that the input is a dataframe
  if not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame):
    raise TypeError("The instance passed as argument needs to be a pandas "
                    "DataFrame. Instead, a <%s> was found. Please convert "
                    "the input accordingly." % type(dataframe))

  # Add fixed threshold
  if threshold is not None:
    dataframe['THRESHOLD'] = threshold

  # Add weights
  if weights == 'uniform':
    # Set uniform weights
    dataframe = dataframe.set_index(keys=['GENUS'], drop=False)
    dataframe['W_GENUS'] = 1. / dataframe.GENUS.nunique()
    dataframe['W_SPECIE'] = 1. / dataframe.SPECIE.groupby(level=0).count()
    dataframe = dataframe.reset_index(drop=True)

  # Required columns

  # Check that the weights add up to one.
  _check_asai_dataframe_columns(dataframe, required_columns=required)

  # Select data
  resistance = dataframe.RESISTANCE
  threshold = dataframe.THRESHOLD
  weights_genus = dataframe.W_GENUS
  weights_specie = dataframe.W_SPECIE

  # Create results
  d = {'N_GENUS': dataframe.GENUS.nunique(),
       'N_SPECIE': dataframe.SPECIE.nunique(),
       'ASAI_SCORE': _asai_score(weights_genus,

  # Compute ASAI.
  return pd.Series(d)

def _asai_score(weights_genus, weights_specie, resistance, threshold): # pragma: no cover
  """Computes the asai score.

  .. deprecated:: 0.0.1

  weights_genus : array-like
    The weight associated to each of the genus

  weights_specie : array-like
    The weight associated to each of the species

  resistance : array-like

    The resistances
  threshold : array-like
    The thresholds

  asai score
  return np.sum(weights_genus*weights_specie*(resistance<=threshold))

[docs]def asai(*args, **kwargs): """Redirects to ``antimicrobial_spectrum_activity_index``.""" return antimicrobial_spectrum_activity_index(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def antimicrobial_spectrum_activity_index(dataframe, weights='uniform', threshold=0.5, tol=1e-6, verbose=0): """Computes the Antimicrobial Spectrum of Activity. .. note:: Since threshold and weights have a default value, the warnings below will not be displayed. However, the code is there in case the behaviour needs to be changed in the future. .. note:: Another way to check that the weights are correct is just by computing ASAI with th=0 and th=1. These should result in asai=1 and asai=0 respectively. | # Compute score | score_1 = np.sum(wgn * wsp * (sari <= 0)) | score_2 = np.sum(wgn * wsp * (sari <= 1)) .. warning:: Should the duplicated check only for the columns GENUS and SPECIE? What if we do not group by antibiotic? It has to be unique for the antibiotic also. It is up to the user to make the right use of this? Parameters ---------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame The pandas dataframe with the information. The following columns are always required [RESISTANCE, GENUS and SPECIE]. In addition, [W_GENUS and W_SPECIE] are required if weights is None. Also, if weights = 'frequency' the column FREQUENCY must be present. weights: string, default='uniform' The method to compute the weights. The methods supported are: - 'specified': weights must be in [W_GENUS and W_SPECIE] - 'uniform': uniform weights for genus and species within genus. - 'frequency': weights are proportional to the frequencies. The following rules must be fulfilled by the weight columns: - consistent weight for a given genus - all genus weights must add up to one. - all specie weights within a genus must add up to one. threshold: float, default=0.5 The threshold resistance value above which the antimicrobial is considered non-effective to treat the microorganism. For instance, for a resistance threshold of 0.5, if a pair <o,a> has a resistance value of 0.4, the microorganism will be considered sensitive. In order to use specific thresholds keep threshold to None and include a column 'THRESHOLD'.ss tol: float, default=1e-6 The tolerance in order to check that all conditions (uniqueness and sums) are satisfied. Note that that float precision varies and therefore not always adds up to exactly one. verbose: int, default=0 The level of verbosity. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The dataframe with the ASAI information and counts. """ # Required columns required = ['RESISTANCE', 'GENUS', 'SPECIE'] # Add weight-related required columns if weights == 'specified': required += ['W_GENUS', 'W_SPECIE'] if weights == 'frequency': required += ['FREQUENCY'] # Check weights if weights not in ['uniform', 'frequency', 'specified']: raise ValueError(""" The weights '{0}' is not supported. Please use one of the following: uniform, frequency or specified""".format(weights)) # Bad input type if not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("""\n The instance passed as argument needs to be a pandas "DataFrame. Instead, a <%s> was found. Please convert the input accordingly.""" % type(dataframe)) # Check columns if set(required).difference(dataframe.columns): raise ValueError("The following columns are missing: {0} " \ .format(set(required).difference(dataframe.columns))) # Check duplicates if dataframe.duplicated().any(): raise ValueError("There are duplicated rows in the DataFrame.") # Get NaN idxs idxs = dataframe[required].isna().any(axis=1) # Show warning and correct if idxs.any(): raise ValueError("""\n There are NULL values in columns that are required. Please correct this issue and try again. See below for more information:\n\n\t\t{0}""".format( dataframe.loc[idxs, required] \ .to_string().replace("\n", "\n\t\t") )) # Copy DataFrame aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True) # Check threshold if 'THRESHOLD' in aux.columns: if threshold is not None: warnings.warn("""\n The threshold has been defined both as an input parameter (threshold={0}) and a DataFrame column 'THRESHOLD'. The latter will be used.""" .format(threshold)) else: if threshold is None: warnings.warn("""\n The threshold has not been defined using either an input parameter (threshold={0}) or a column in the dataframe named 'THRESHOLD'. Thus a default threshold value of '0.5' will be used.""".format(threshold)) threshold = 0.5 aux['THRESHOLD'] = threshold # Set uniform weights if weights == 'uniform': aux['W_GENUS'] = 1. / aux.GENUS.nunique() aux['W_SPECIE'] = 1. / aux.groupby(['GENUS']).SPECIE.count()) # Set frequency weights if weights == 'frequency': # Set frequency weights fgn = aux.groupby(['GENUS']).FREQUENCY.sum() aux['S_GENUS'] = aux['W_GENUS'] = / fgn.sum()) aux['W_SPECIE'] = aux.FREQUENCY / aux.S_GENUS # Check sums #report = pd.DataFrame() #report['W_GENUS_UNIQUE_OK'] = aux.groupby('GENUS').W_GENUS.nunique() #report['W_GENUS_SUM_OK'] = aux.groupby('GENUS').head(1).W_GENUS.sum() #report['W_SPECIE_SUM_OK'] = aux.groupby(['GENUS']).W_SPECIE.sum() #if verbose > 5: # # Explain each error individually. # pass # Condition #condition = (1 - report).abs() < tol # Report #if not condition.all().all(): # raise ValueError(""" # The weights imputed do not fulfill all the requirements. Please # check the report below and correct the weights accordingly. Note # a given genus must have a consistent weight and the sum of weights # must add up to 1.\n\n\t\t{0}""" \ # .format(condition.to_string().replace("\n", "\n\t\t"))) # Show if verbose > 5: print("\nweights={0} | threshold={1}".format(weights, threshold)) print(aux) # Extract vectors wgn = aux.W_GENUS wsp = aux.W_SPECIE sari = aux.RESISTANCE th = aux.THRESHOLD # Check range using extreme thresholds s1 = np.sum(wgn * wsp * (sari < 0)) s2 = np.sum(wgn * wsp * (sari <= 1)) if abs(s1-0) > tol or abs(s2-1) > tol: raise ValueError(""" The weights argument do not fulfill all the requirements. Note that the correct weights would produce a SARI value within the range [0, 1]. However, the weights received did not fulfill such constraint.""") # Compute score score = np.sum(wgn * wsp * (sari < th)) # Create results d = { 'N_GENUS': aux.GENUS.nunique(), 'N_SPECIE': aux.SPECIE.nunique(), 'ASAI_SCORE': score } # Default weights return pd.Series(d)
[docs]class ASAI: """Antimicrobial Spectrum of Activity Index. """ # Attributes c_gen = 'GENUS' c_spe = 'SPECIE' c_res = 'RESISTANCE' c_thr = 'THRESHOLD' c_fre = 'FREQUENCY' c_wgen = 'W_GENUS' c_wspe = 'W_SPECIE' def __init__(self, column_genus=c_gen, column_specie=c_spe, column_resistance=c_res, column_threshold=c_thr, column_frequency=c_fre, column_wgenus=c_wgen, column_wspecie=c_wspe): """The constructor. Parameters ---------- column_genus: string The column name with the genus values column_specie: string The column name with the specie values column_resistance: string The column name with the resistance values column_threshold: string The column name with the threshold values column_frequency: string The column name with the frequency values Returns ------- none """ # Create dictionary to rename columns self.rename = {column_genus: self.c_gen, column_specie: self.c_spe, column_resistance: self.c_res, column_threshold: self.c_thr, column_frequency: self.c_fre, column_wgenus: self.c_wgen, column_wspecie: self.c_wspe} # Columns that are required self.required = [self.c_gen, self.c_spe, self.c_res]
[docs] def compute(self, dataframe, groupby=None, min_freq=None, **kwargs): """Computes the ASAI index (safely). .. note: Review first NaN and then duplicated? .. note: Review extreme values in resistance? Parameters ---------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame The pandas dataframe with the information. The following columns are always required [RESISTANCE, GENUS and SPECIE]. In addition, [W_GENUS and W_SPECIE] are required if weights is None. Also, if weights = 'frequency' the column FREQUENCY must be present. groupby: list, default=None The elements to groupby (pd.groupby) min_freq: int, default=None The minimum number of susceptibility tests required in order to include the species to compute ASAI. Note that to work the dataframe must include a column indicating the frequencies. weights: string, default=None The method to compute the weights. The methods supported are: - None: weights must be specified in [W_GENUS and W_SPECIE] - 'uniform': uniform weights for genus and species within genus. - 'frequency: weights are proportional to the frequencies. The following rules must be fulfilled by the weight columns: - consistent weight for a given genus - all genus weights must add up to one. - all specie weights within a genus must add up to one. threshold: float, default=None The threshold resistance value above which the antimicrobial is considered non-effective to treat the microorganism. For instance, for a resistance threshold of 0.5, if a pair <o,a> has a resistance value of 0.4, the microorganism will be considered sensitive. In order to use specific thresholds keep threshold to None and include a column 'THRESHOLD'.ss tol: float, default=1e-6 The tolerance in order to check that all conditions (uniqueness and sums) are satisfied. Note that that float precision varies and therefore not always adds up to exactly one. verbose: int, default=0 The level of verbosity. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The dataframe with the ASAI information and counts. """ # Bad input type if not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError(""" The instance passed as argument needs to be a pandas DataFrame. Instead, a <%s> was found. Please convert the input accordingly.""" % type(dataframe)) if isinstance(groupby, str): groupby = [groupby] # Create auxiliary variable required = groupby + self.required # Rename columns aux = dataframe.rename(columns=self.rename, copy=True) # Filter by freq if min_freq is not None: if not self.c_fre in aux: warnings.warn(""" The min_freq={0} cannot be applied because the frequency columns 'FREQUENCY' does not exist in the DataFrame.\n""" .format(min_freq)) else: aux = aux[aux[self.c_fre] >= min_freq] # Check duplicates if aux.duplicated(subset=required).any(): warnings.warn(""" There are duplicated rows in the DataFrame. This is usually not expected. Please review the DataFrame and address this inconsistencies. Maybe you should include more columns in the groupby (e.g. specimen_code). The columns used to compute duplicated are: {0}.\n""".format(required)) #aux = aux.drop_duplicates(required) # Check extreme resistance values if aux.RESISTANCE.isin([0.0, 1.0]).any(): warnings.warn(""" Extreme resistances [0, 1] were found in the DataFrame. These rows should be reviewed since these resistances might correspond to pairs with low number of records.\n""") #aux = aux[aux[self.c_res] != 1.0] # Get NaN indexes idxs = aux[required].isna().any(axis=1) # Show warning and correct if idxs.any(): warnings.warn(""" There are NULL values in columns that are required. These rows will be ignored to safely compute ASAI. Please review the DataFrame and address this inconsistencies. See below for more information: \n\n\t\t\t{0}\n""".format( \ aux[required].isna().sum(axis=0) \ .to_string().replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t"))) aux = aux.dropna(subset=required) # Check all genus weights add up to one? # Compute scores = aux.groupby(groupby) \ .apply(asai, **kwargs) # Return return scores
[docs]class ASAI_old(): # pragma: no cover """This class computes the antimicrobial spectrum of activity. .. deprecated:: 0.0.1 """ # Attributes c_abx = 'ANTIBIOTIC' c_gen = 'GENUS' c_spe = 'SPECIE' c_res = 'RESISTANCE' c_thr = 'THRESHOLD' c_fre = 'FREQUENCY' c_wgen = 'W_GENUS' c_wspe = 'W_SPECIE' def __init__(self, weights='uniform', threshold=0.5, column_genus=c_gen, column_specie=c_spe, column_antibiotic=c_abx, column_resistance=c_res, column_threshold=c_thr, column_frequency=c_fre, column_wgenus=c_wgen, column_wspecie=c_wspe): """The constructor. Parameters ---------- threshold : number The threshold under which the drug is considered effective. weights : string The method to compute the weights column_genus : string The column name with the genus values column_specie : string The column name with the specie values column_antibiotic : string The column name with the antibiotic values column_resistance : string The column name with the resistance values column_threshold : string The column name with the threshold values column_frequency : string The column name with the frequency values Returns ------- none """ # Set parameters self.weights = weights self.threshold = threshold # Create dictionary to rename columns self.rename_columns = {column_genus: self.c_gen, column_specie: self.c_spe, column_antibiotic: self.c_abx, column_resistance: self.c_res, column_threshold: self.c_thr, column_frequency: self.c_fre, column_wgenus: self.c_wgen, column_wspecie: self.c_wspe} # Columns that are required self.required_columns = [self.c_gen, self.c_spe, self.c_abx, self.c_res]
[docs] def compute(self, dataframe, by_category): """This function computes the asai index by category. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pandas DataFrame The pandas DataFrame containing the data. In particular it needs to contain the following columns: genus, specie, antibiotic and the resistance outcome within the range [0,1]. by_category : string The name of the column that will be used to group ASAI. Returns ------- pandas dataframe the dataframe... """ # Check that it is a dataframe if not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("The instance passed as argument needs to be a pandas " "DataFrame. Instead, a <%s> was found. Please convert " "the input accordingly." % type(dataframe)) # Rename columns dataframe = dataframe.rename(columns=self.rename_columns, copy=True) # Check dataframe columns _check_asai_dataframe_columns(dataframe, self.required_columns) # Check that there are no duplicates dataframe = dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset=[self.c_gen, self.c_spe, self.c_abx, by_category]) # Check that no intrinsic resistance is considered dataframe = dataframe[dataframe[self.c_res]!=1.0] # Check that the by parameter has all value different than none dataframe = dataframe.dropna(subset=[by_category]) # Compute asai and return return dataframe.groupby(by=[self.c_abx, by_category]) \ .apply(_asai, threshold=self.threshold) \ .unstack()
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover # Import libraries import sys import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import specific libraries from pyamr.datasets import load # Configure seaborn style (context=talk) sns.set(style="white") # Set matplotlib mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 9 mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 9 mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 11 mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 9 # Pandas configuration pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 40) pd.set_option('display.width', 300) pd.set_option('display.precision', 4) # Numpy configuration np.set_printoptions(precision=2) # --------------------- # helper method # --------------------- def scalar_colormap(values, cmap, vmin, vmax): """This method creates a colormap based on values. Parameters ---------- values : array-like The values to create the corresponding colors cmap : str The colormap vmin, vmax : float The minimum and maximum possible values Returns ------- scalar colormap """ # Create scalar mappable norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True) mapper =, cmap=cmap) # Gete color map colormap = sns.color_palette([mapper.to_rgba(i) for i in values]) # Return return colormap # --------------------- # Create data # --------------------- # Create data data = [['GENUS_1', 'SPECIE_1', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.6000, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_2', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0000, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_3', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0000, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_4', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0064, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_5', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0073, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_6', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0056, 0.05], ['GENUS_3', 'SPECIE_7', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0000, 0.05], ['GENUS_4', 'SPECIE_8', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0518, 0.05], ['GENUS_4', 'SPECIE_9', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0000, 0.05], ['GENUS_4', 'SPECIE_10', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 1, 0.0595, 0.05], ['GENUS_1', 'SPECIE_1', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_2', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_3', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_4', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_5', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_2', 'SPECIE_6', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_3', 'SPECIE_7', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_4', 'SPECIE_8', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_4', 'SPECIE_9', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05], ['GENUS_5', 'SPECIE_10', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 1, 0.0, 0.05]] # Create dataframe dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['GENUS', 'SPECIE', 'ANTIBIOTIC', 'GRAM', 'FREQUENCY', 'RESISTANCE', 'THRESHOLD']) print(dataframe) # ------------------------------- # Create antimicrobial spectrum # ------------------------------- # Create antimicrobial spectrum of activity instance obj = ASAI(column_genus='GENUS', column_specie='SPECIE', column_resistance='RESISTANCE', column_frequency='FREQUENCY', column_threshold='THRESHOLD', column_wgenus='W_GENUS', column_wspecie='W_SPECIE') # Compute scores = obj.compute(dataframe, groupby=['ANTIBIOTIC', 'GRAM'], weights='frequency', threshold=0.5, min_freq=0) # Unstack scores = scores.unstack() # Show print("\nResults:") print(scores) # ----------------------------- # Plot # ----------------------------- # Variables to plot. x = scores.index.values y_n = scores['ASAI_SCORE']['N'].values y_p = scores['ASAI_SCORE']['P'].values # Constants colormap_p = scalar_colormap(y_p, cmap='Blues', vmin=-0.1, vmax=1.1) colormap_n = scalar_colormap(y_n, cmap='Reds', vmin=-0.1, vmax=1.1) # Create figure f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 0.5)) # Plot sns.barplot(x=y_p, y=x, palette=colormap_p, ax=ax, orient='h', saturation=0.5, label='Gram-positive') sns.barplot(x=-y_n, y=x, palette=colormap_n, ax=ax, orient='h', saturation=0.5, label='Gram-negative') # Configure sns.despine(bottom=True) # Configure ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # Legend plt.legend() # Display # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Testing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create data data = [['STAPH', 'COAGU', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.88, 1, 0.20, 1 / 10, 1 / 3], ['STAPH', 'EPIDE', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.11, 1, 0.20, 1 / 10, 1 / 3], ['STAPH', 'HAEMO', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.32, 1, 0.20, 1 / 10, 1 / 3], ['STAPH', 'LUGDU', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.45, 1, 0.20, 1 / 10, 1 / 3], ['STAPH', 'SAPRO', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.18, 1, 0.20, 1 / 10, 1 / 3], ['STAPH', 'AUREU', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.13, 5, 0.20, 5 / 10, 1 / 3], ['ENTER', 'DURAN', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 0.64, 1, 0.20, 1 / 4, 1 / 3], ['ENTER', 'FAECI', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 0.48, 1, 0.20, 1 / 4, 1 / 3], ['ENTER', 'GALLI', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 0.10, 1, 0.20, 1 / 4, 1 / 3], ['ENTER', 'FAECA', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'N', 0.09, 1, 0.20, 1 / 4, 1 / 3], ['STREP', 'VIRID', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.08, 1, 0.20, 1 / 3, 1 / 3], ['STREP', 'PNEUM', 'ANTIBIOTIC_1', 'P', 0.89, 2, 0.20, 2 / 3, 1 / 3]] # Create dataframe dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['GENUS', 'SPECIE', 'ANTIBIOTIC', 'GRAM', 'RESISTANCE', 'FREQUENCY', 'THRESHOLD', 'W_SPECIE', 'W_GENUS']) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Success # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # .. note: All this examples should succeed. At the moment the code # breaks if gram is not included. This is because the data # we have created has duplicated values for each gram. # Should we consider this within the ASAI? cols = ['GENUS', 'SPECIE', 'ANTIBIOTIC', 'RESISTANCE', 'GRAM'] def show_i(i, df): print("\n\n%s:" % i) print(df) # Using minimum number of columns r = dataframe[cols]\ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC', 'GRAM']) \ .apply(asai, weights='uniform', threshold=0.5) show_i("Using minimum number of columns", r) # User defined constant threshold r = dataframe[cols]\ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC', 'GRAM']) \ .apply(asai, weights='uniform', threshold=0.05) show_i("User defined constant threshold", r) # Use frequency to compute weights r = dataframe[cols + ['FREQUENCY']] \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, weights='frequency', threshold=0.05) show_i("Use frequency to compute weights", r) # Use weights previously specified. r = dataframe[cols + ['W_GENUS', 'W_SPECIE']] \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, weights='specified', threshold=0.05) show_i("Use weights specified manually", r) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ASAI - Errors # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # .. note: In the examples below, the method asai is meant to raise # an error either because any of the required missing columns # is missing or because the weight configuration is not # correct. print("\n\nHandling errors:") try: # Error: resistance column is missing r = dataframe.drop(columns=['RESISTANCE']) \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai) except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: genus column is missing r = dataframe.drop(columns=['GENUS']) \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai) except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: specie column is missing r = dataframe.drop(columns=['SPECIE']) \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai) except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: w_genus and/or w_specie columns are missing r = dataframe.drop(columns=['W_GENUS', 'W_SPECIE']) \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, weights='specified') except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: weights is not a valid value r = dataframe \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, weights=None) except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: weights not valid (W_GENUS) aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True) aux.loc[0, 'W_GENUS'] = 1 r = aux \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, weights='specified') except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: weights not valid (W_SPECIE) aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True) aux.loc[0, 'W_SPECIE'] = 1 r = aux \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, weights='specified') except Exception as e: print(e) try: # Error: null values in required column aux = dataframe.copy(deep=True) aux.loc[0, 'RESISTANCE'] = np.NaN r = aux \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai) except Exception as e: print(e) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ASAI - Warnings # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # .. note: In the examples below, the method asai is meant to show a # warning message either no threshold has been specified or # because thresholds have been specified twice. print("\n\nShow warnings:") # Warning: default threshold=0.5 and THRESHOLD column passed. r = dataframe \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC', 'GRAM']) \ .apply(asai) # Warning: threshold is None and no column THRESHOLD r = dataframe.drop(columns=['THRESHOLD']) \ .groupby(['ANTIBIOTIC']) \ .apply(asai, threshold=None)