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Using an ensemble WLS + ARMA
This method shows an ensemble method that combines the use of Weighted Linear Regression (WLS) to fit the main function and ARMA to fit the residuals.
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"\n# Import class.\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport matplotlib as mpl\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport statsmodels.api as sm\nimport statsmodels.robust.norms as norms\n\nfrom statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA\n\n\n# import weights.\nfrom pyamr.datasets.load import make_timeseries\nfrom pyamr.metrics.weights import SigmoidA\nfrom pyamr.core.regression.wls import WLSWrapper\nfrom pyamr.core.regression.wlsarma import WLSARMAWrapper\n\n# Matplotlib options\nmpl.rc('legend', fontsize=6)\nmpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=6)\nmpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=6)\n\n# Set pandas configuration.\npd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 14)\npd.set_option('display.width', 150)\npd.set_option('display.precision', 4)\n\n# Create timeseries data\nx, y, f = make_timeseries()\n\n# Create method to compute weights from frequencies\nW = SigmoidA(r=200, g=0.5, offset=0.0, scale=1.0)\n\n# Note that the function fit will call M.weights(weights) inside and will\n# store the M converter in the instance. Therefore, the code execute is\n# equivalent to <weights=M.weights(f)> with the only difference being that\n# the weight converter is not saved.\nwls = WLSWrapper(estimator=sm.WLS).fit( exog=x, endog=y, trend='c', weights=f,\n W=W, missing='raise')\n\n# Create WLS + ARIMA model.\nwlsarima = WLSARMAWrapper().fit(endog=y, exog=x, weights=f,\n wls_kwargs={'W': W, 'trend': 'c', 'missing': 'raise'},\n arima_kwargs={'exog': None, 'max_ar': 1,\n 'max_ma': 1, 'max_d': 0, 'ic': 'bic',\n 'order': (1,0,0)})\n\npred1 = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=None, end=140)\npred2 = wls.get_prediction(start=None, end=140)\n\nendog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'endog')\nexog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'exog')[:, 1]\n\n# Create figures.\nfig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), sharey=True, sharex=True)\n# Plot observations.\naxes[0].plot(exog, endog, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',\n markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,\n markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')\naxes[0].plot(pred1[0, :], pred1[1, :], color='#39ac73',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label='WLSARMA')\naxes[1].plot(pred2[0, :], pred2[1, :], color='r',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label='WLS')\n\nplt.legend()\\n\nimport sys\n\nsys.exit()\n\n# Create WLS + SARIMAX model.\nwlssarimax = WLSARMAWrapper().fit(endog=y, exog=x, weights=f,\n wls_kwargs={'W': W, 'trend': 'c', 'missing': 'raise'},\n sarimax_kwargs={'exog': None, 'ic': 'bic', 'max_ar': 1, 'max_ma': 1, 'max_d': 0,\n 'max_P': 0, 'max_D': 0, 'max_Q': 0, 'list_s': [12]})\n\n# Create best SARIMAX model\nmodels, sarimax = SARIMAXWrapper().fit(endog=y, ic='bic',\n max_ar=1, max_ma=1, max_d=1,\n max_P=0, max_D=0, max_Q=0,\n list_s=[0], return_fits=True)\n\n# Print series.\nprint(wlsarima.as_series())\n\n# Print summaries.\nprint(wlsarima.as_summary())\nprint(wlssarimax.as_summary())\nprint(wlsarima._arma.as_summary())\nprint(wlssarimax._arma.as_summary())\n\n# -----------------\n# Save & Load\n# -----------------\n# File location\nfname_wlsarima = '../../examples/saved/wlsarima-sample.pickle'\nfname_wlssarimax = '../../examples/saved/wlssarimax-sample.pickle'\n\n# Save\\n# (zstatespace can't be pickled)\n\n# Load\nwlsarima = WLSARMAWrapper().load(fname=fname_wlsarima)\n# wlssarimax = WLSARMAWrapper().load(fname=fname_wlssarimax)\n\n# -----------------\n# Predictions\n# -----------------\n# Variables.\nstart, end = None, None\n\n# Compute predictions.\npreds_wls = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=start, end=end, ptype='wls')\npreds_arima = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=start, end=end, ptype='arma')\npreds_sarimax = wlssarimax.get_prediction(start=start, end=end, ptype='arma')\npreds_wlsarima = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)\npreds_wlssarimax = wlssarimax.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)\npreds_sarimax = sarimax.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)\n\n# Create figures.\nfig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))\n\n# Subplot 0\n# ---------\n# Plot observed values\nendog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'endog')\nexog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'exog')[:, 1]\naxes[0].plot(exog, endog, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',\n markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,\n markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')\n\n# Plot forecasted values (WLS-ARIMA).\naxes[0].plot(preds_wlsarima[0, :], preds_wlsarima[1, :], color='#39ac73',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label=wlsarima._identifier(short=True))\n\n# Plot confidence intervals (WLS-ARIMA)\naxes[0].fill_between(preds_wlsarima[0, 3:],\n preds_wlsarima[2, 3:],\n preds_wlsarima[3, 3:],\n color='#39ac73', alpha=0.1)\n\n# Plot forecasted values (WLS-SARIMAX).\naxes[0].plot(preds_wlssarimax[0, :], preds_wlssarimax[1, :], color='b',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label=wlssarimax._identifier(short=True))\n\n# Plot confidence intervals (WLS-SARIMAX)\naxes[0].fill_between(preds_wlssarimax[0, 3:],\n preds_wlssarimax[2, 3:],\n preds_wlssarimax[3, 3:],\n color='b', alpha=0.1)\n\n# Plot forecasted values and confidence intervals (SARIMAX).\naxes[0].plot(preds_sarimax[0, :], preds_sarimax[1, :], color='#FF0000',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label=sarimax._identifier())\n\n# Plot confidence intervals\naxes[0].fill_between(preds_sarimax[0, 3:],\n preds_sarimax[2, 3:],\n preds_sarimax[3, 3:],\n color='#FF0000', alpha=0.1)\n\n# Subplot 1\n# ---------\n# Plot observed values.\naxes[1].plot(x, y, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',\n markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,\n markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')\n\n# Plot wls separately.\naxes[1].plot(preds_wls[0, :], preds_wls[1, :], color='#39ac73',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label=wlsarima._wls._identifier(short=True))\n\naxes[1].fill_between(preds_wls[0, :],\n preds_wls[2, :],\n preds_wls[3, :],\n color='#39ac73', alpha=0.1)\n\n# Plot arma separately.\naxes[1].plot(preds_arima[0, :], preds_arima[1, :], color='#FF0000',\n alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,\n markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',\n label=wlsarima._arma._identifier())\n\naxes[1].fill_between(preds_arima[0, :],\n preds_arima[2, :],\n preds_arima[3, :],\n color='#FF0000', alpha=0.1)\n\n# Grid\naxes[0].grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.35, alpha=0.5)\naxes[1].grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.35, alpha=0.5)\n\n# Legend\naxes[0].legend()\naxes[1].legend()\n\n# Show\\n"
13 """
14 # Import class.
15 import numpy as np
16 import pandas as pd
17 import matplotlib as mpl
18 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
19 import statsmodels.api as sm
20 import statsmodels.robust.norms as norms
22 from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA
25 # import weights.
26 from pyamr.datasets.load import make_timeseries
27 from pyamr.metrics.weights import SigmoidA
28 from pyamr.core.regression.wls import WLSWrapper
29 from pyamr.core.regression.wlsarma import WLSARMAWrapper
31 # Matplotlib options
32 mpl.rc('legend', fontsize=6)
33 mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=6)
34 mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=6)
36 # Set pandas configuration.
37 pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 14)
38 pd.set_option('display.width', 150)
39 pd.set_option('display.precision', 4)
41 # Create timeseries data
42 x, y, f = make_timeseries()
44 # Create method to compute weights from frequencies
45 W = SigmoidA(r=200, g=0.5, offset=0.0, scale=1.0)
47 # Note that the function fit will call M.weights(weights) inside and will
48 # store the M converter in the instance. Therefore, the code execute is
49 # equivalent to <weights=M.weights(f)> with the only difference being that
50 # the weight converter is not saved.
51 wls = WLSWrapper(estimator=sm.WLS).fit( \
52 exog=x, endog=y, trend='c', weights=f,
53 W=W, missing='raise')
55 # Create WLS + ARIMA model.
56 wlsarima = WLSARMAWrapper().fit(endog=y, exog=x, weights=f,
57 wls_kwargs={'W': W, 'trend': 'c', 'missing': 'raise'},
58 arima_kwargs={'exog': None, 'max_ar': 1,
59 'max_ma': 1, 'max_d': 0, 'ic': 'bic',
60 'order': (1,0,0)})
62 pred1 = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=None, end=140)
63 pred2 = wls.get_prediction(start=None, end=140)
65 endog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'endog')
66 exog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'exog')[:, 1]
68 # Create figures.
69 fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), sharey=True, sharex=True)
70 # Plot observations.
71 axes[0].plot(exog, endog, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
72 markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
73 markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
74 axes[0].plot(pred1[0, :], pred1[1, :], color='#39ac73',
75 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
76 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
77 label='WLSARMA')
78 axes[1].plot(pred2[0, :], pred2[1, :], color='r',
79 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
80 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
81 label='WLS')
83 plt.legend()
86 import sys
88 sys.exit()
90 # Create WLS + SARIMAX model.
91 wlssarimax = WLSARMAWrapper().fit(endog=y, exog=x, weights=f,
92 wls_kwargs={'W': W, 'trend': 'c', 'missing': 'raise'},
93 sarimax_kwargs={'exog': None, 'ic': 'bic', 'max_ar': 1, 'max_ma': 1, 'max_d': 0,
94 'max_P': 0, 'max_D': 0, 'max_Q': 0, 'list_s': [12]})
96 # Create best SARIMAX model
97 models, sarimax = SARIMAXWrapper().fit(endog=y, ic='bic',
98 max_ar=1, max_ma=1, max_d=1,
99 max_P=0, max_D=0, max_Q=0,
100 list_s=[0], return_fits=True)
102 # Print series.
103 print(wlsarima.as_series())
105 # Print summaries.
106 print(wlsarima.as_summary())
107 print(wlssarimax.as_summary())
108 print(wlsarima._arma.as_summary())
109 print(wlssarimax._arma.as_summary())
111 # -----------------
112 # Save & Load
113 # -----------------
114 # File location
115 fname_wlsarima = '../../examples/saved/wlsarima-sample.pickle'
116 fname_wlssarimax = '../../examples/saved/wlssarimax-sample.pickle'
118 # Save
120 # (zstatespace can't be pickled)
122 # Load
123 wlsarima = WLSARMAWrapper().load(fname=fname_wlsarima)
124 # wlssarimax = WLSARMAWrapper().load(fname=fname_wlssarimax)
126 # -----------------
127 # Predictions
128 # -----------------
129 # Variables.
130 start, end = None, None
132 # Compute predictions.
133 preds_wls = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=start, end=end, ptype='wls')
134 preds_arima = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=start, end=end, ptype='arma')
135 preds_sarimax = wlssarimax.get_prediction(start=start, end=end, ptype='arma')
136 preds_wlsarima = wlsarima.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)
137 preds_wlssarimax = wlssarimax.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)
138 preds_sarimax = sarimax.get_prediction(start=start, end=end)
140 # Create figures.
141 fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
143 # Subplot 0
144 # ---------
145 # Plot observed values
146 endog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'endog')
147 exog = getattr(wlsarima._wls, 'exog')[:, 1]
148 axes[0].plot(exog, endog, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
149 markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
150 markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
152 # Plot forecasted values (WLS-ARIMA).
153 axes[0].plot(preds_wlsarima[0, :], preds_wlsarima[1, :], color='#39ac73',
154 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
155 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
156 label=wlsarima._identifier(short=True))
158 # Plot confidence intervals (WLS-ARIMA)
159 axes[0].fill_between(preds_wlsarima[0, 3:],
160 preds_wlsarima[2, 3:],
161 preds_wlsarima[3, 3:],
162 color='#39ac73', alpha=0.1)
164 # Plot forecasted values (WLS-SARIMAX).
165 axes[0].plot(preds_wlssarimax[0, :], preds_wlssarimax[1, :], color='b',
166 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
167 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
168 label=wlssarimax._identifier(short=True))
170 # Plot confidence intervals (WLS-SARIMAX)
171 axes[0].fill_between(preds_wlssarimax[0, 3:],
172 preds_wlssarimax[2, 3:],
173 preds_wlssarimax[3, 3:],
174 color='b', alpha=0.1)
176 # Plot forecasted values and confidence intervals (SARIMAX).
177 axes[0].plot(preds_sarimax[0, :], preds_sarimax[1, :], color='#FF0000',
178 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
179 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
180 label=sarimax._identifier())
182 # Plot confidence intervals
183 axes[0].fill_between(preds_sarimax[0, 3:],
184 preds_sarimax[2, 3:],
185 preds_sarimax[3, 3:],
186 color='#FF0000', alpha=0.1)
188 # Subplot 1
189 # ---------
190 # Plot observed values.
191 axes[1].plot(x, y, color='#A6CEE3', alpha=0.5, marker='o',
192 markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5,
193 markersize=5, linewidth=0.75, label='Observed')
195 # Plot wls separately.
196 axes[1].plot(preds_wls[0, :], preds_wls[1, :], color='#39ac73',
197 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
198 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
199 label=wlsarima._wls._identifier(short=True))
201 axes[1].fill_between(preds_wls[0, :],
202 preds_wls[2, :],
203 preds_wls[3, :],
204 color='#39ac73', alpha=0.1)
206 # Plot arma separately.
207 axes[1].plot(preds_arima[0, :], preds_arima[1, :], color='#FF0000',
208 alpha=0.95, marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1.0,
209 markeredgewidth=0.2, markeredgecolor='k',
210 label=wlsarima._arma._identifier())
212 axes[1].fill_between(preds_arima[0, :],
213 preds_arima[2, :],
214 preds_arima[3, :],
215 color='#FF0000', alpha=0.1)
217 # Grid
218 axes[0].grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.35, alpha=0.5)
219 axes[1].grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.35, alpha=0.5)
221 # Legend
222 axes[0].legend()
223 axes[1].legend()
225 # Show
227 """
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.001 seconds)