Drug Resistance Index

The DRI measures changes through time in the proportion of disease-causing pathogens that are resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat them. The annual percentage change in the DRI is a measure of the rate of depletion of antibiotic effectiveness.

Since antibiotic use may change over time in response to changing levels of antibiotic resistance, we compare trends in the index with the counterfactual case, where antibiotic use remains fixed to a baseline year. A static-use DRI allows assessment of the extent to which drug use has adapted in response to resistance and the burden that this resistance would have caused if antibiotic use patterns had not changed. Changing antibiotic use patterns over time may mitigate the burden of antibiotic resistance. To incorporate changing trends in antibiotic use, we also construct an adaptive version of the DRI.

\[R\_fixed(i) = \sum_{k}{p_{i,k}^{t} * q_{i,k}^{0}}\]
\[R(i) = \sum_{k}{p_{i,k}^{t} * q_{i,k}^{t}}\]


  • t is time

  • i is the microorganism

  • k is the antimicrobial

  • p is the proportion of resistance among organism i to drug k at time t

  • q is the frequency of drug k used to treat organism in at time t.

See below for a few resources.

  • R1: How to calculate DRI? (CDDEP)

  • R2: New metric aims to simplify how global resistance is measured (POST)

  • R3: Communicating trends in resistance using DRI.

  • R4: Tracking global trends in the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

  • R5: The proposed DRI is not a good measure of antibiotic effectiveness.

51 # Libraries
52 import numpy as np
53 import pandas as pd
54 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
56 from pathlib import Path
58 def print_example_heading(n, t=''):
59     print("\n" + "=" * 80 + "\nExample %s\n"%n + "=" * 80)
61 try:
62     __file__
63     TERMINAL = True
64 except:
65     TERMINAL = False

a) Example using CDDEP (tutorial)

The Drug Resistance Index or ``DRI``can be calculated at the facility or individual ward level to measure the performance of stewardship efforts. The index can be calculated in three simple steps using the pharmacy and antibiogram data available in most hospitals.

The CDDEP recommends to aggregate susceptibility tests results by species and class of antimicrobials (see note). Laboratories and hospital antibiograms report susceptibility results by individual antibiotic compound. However, certain drugs may be widely tested to proxy for the effectiveness of an entire class in vitro, although they are rarely used in clinical practice (e.g. oxacillin tests for all b-lactam activity against staphylococci, nalidixic axic for quinolone activity in Gram-negative uropathogens). In addition, not all drugs on formulary may be included in laboratory testing. Therefore, when matching resistance data to antibiotic utilization, we recommend grouping results by broader therapeutic class. The optimal grouping will depend on many factors such as the species being included in the index, facility formulary and testing practices etc.

 89 # This sample data was copied from the CDDEP reference (R1) to
 90 # evaluate whether the Drug Resistance Index is being computed
 91 # correctly.
 92 cddep = [
 93     ['Q2 2011', 'E. Coli', 'AMINOPENICILLINS', 329, 139, 300, 1000],
 94     ['Q2 2011', 'E. Coli', 'B-LACTAM, INCREASED ACTIVITY', 554, 72,  250, 1000],
 95     ['Q2 2011', 'E. Coli', 'G3 CEPHALOSPORINS', 287, 3,  100, 1000],
 96     ['Q2 2011', 'E. Coli', 'QUINOLONES, SYSTEMIC', 293, 41,  250, 1000],
 97     ['Q2 2011', 'E. Coli', 'SULFA & TRIMETH COMB', 334, 75,  100, 1000],
 98     ['Q3 2011', 'E. Coli', 'AMINOPENICILLINS', 231, 101, 250, 1100],
 99     ['Q3 2011', 'E. Coli', 'B-LACTAM, INCREASED ACTIVITY', 408, 54, 300, 1100],
100     ['Q3 2011', 'E. Coli', 'G3 CEPHALOSPORINS', 211, 3, 150, 1100],
101     ['Q3 2011', 'E. Coli', 'QUINOLONES, SYSTEMIC', 218, 36, 300, 1100],
102     ['Q3 2011', 'E. Coli', 'SULFA & TRIMETH COMB', 236, 55, 100, 1100]
103 ]
105 # Create DataFrame
106 df1 = pd.DataFrame(cddep,
107     columns=['time', 'org', 'abx', 'isolates', 'R', 'use', 'use_period'])
109 # Format DataFrame
110 df1['S'] = df1.isolates - df1.R
111 df1['r_rate'] = (df1.R / (df1.R + df1.S))    #.round(decimals=2)
112 df1['u_weight'] = (df1.use / df1.use_period) #.round(decimals=2)
113 df1['w_rate'] = (df1.r_rate * df1.u_weight)  #.round(decimals=3)
114 df1['dri'] = df1.groupby(by='time').w_rate.transform(lambda x: x.sum())

Lets see the results

118 if TERMINAL:
119     print_example_heading(n=1)
120     print('\nResult (CDDEP):')
121     print(df1)
122 df1.round(decimals=3)
time org abx isolates R use use_period S r_rate u_weight w_rate dri
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS 329 139 300 1000 190 0.422 0.300 0.127 0.218
1 Q2 2011 E. Coli B-LACTAM, INCREASED ACTIVITY 554 72 250 1000 482 0.130 0.250 0.032 0.218
2 Q2 2011 E. Coli G3 CEPHALOSPORINS 287 3 100 1000 284 0.010 0.100 0.001 0.218
3 Q2 2011 E. Coli QUINOLONES, SYSTEMIC 293 41 250 1000 252 0.140 0.250 0.035 0.218
4 Q2 2011 E. Coli SULFA & TRIMETH COMB 334 75 100 1000 259 0.225 0.100 0.022 0.218
5 Q3 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS 231 101 250 1100 130 0.437 0.227 0.099 0.204
6 Q3 2011 E. Coli B-LACTAM, INCREASED ACTIVITY 408 54 300 1100 354 0.132 0.273 0.036 0.204
7 Q3 2011 E. Coli G3 CEPHALOSPORINS 211 3 150 1100 208 0.014 0.136 0.002 0.204
8 Q3 2011 E. Coli QUINOLONES, SYSTEMIC 218 36 300 1100 182 0.165 0.273 0.045 0.204
9 Q3 2011 E. Coli SULFA & TRIMETH COMB 236 55 100 1100 181 0.233 0.091 0.021 0.204

b) Example using CDDEP (raw)

In the previous example we computed the Drug Resistance Index or DRI using the summary table provided by CDDEP. While this table is useful to understand the implementation of the Drug Resistance Index, the values contained in the columns (e.g. isolates, R, use or use_period) need to be computed from the raw susceptibility test data. This example shows how to go from raw susceptibility test and prescription data to the summary table in order to compute the DRI.

First, let’s create the raw data from the summary table provided by CDDEP.

141 def create_raw_data_from_summary_table(df):
142     """Create raw susceptibility and prescription data from summary.
144     Parameters
145     ----------
146     df: pd.DataFrame
147         DataFrame with the summary data
149     Returns
150     -------
152     """
153     # Variable
154     keep = ['time', 'org', 'abx']
156     # Indexes
157     idxr = df.index.repeat(df.R)
158     idxs = df.index.repeat(df.S)
159     idxu = df.index.repeat(df.use)
161     # Compute partial DataFrames
162     r = df[keep].reindex(idxr).assign(sensitivity='resistant')
163     s = df[keep].reindex(idxs).assign(sensitivity='sensitive')
164     u = df[keep].reindex(idxu).assign(dose='standard')
166     # Return
167     return pd.concat([r, s]), u
170 # .. note:: Uncomment if you need to create a simulation of
171 #           the raw susceptibility and prescription data based
172 #           on the aggregated measurements.
174 # Create raw data.
175 susceptibility, prescription = \
176     create_raw_data_from_summary_table(df1)
178 # Save
179 #susceptibility.to_csv('./data/cddep/susceptibility.csv')
180 #prescription.to_csv('./data/cddep/prescription.csv')

Lets visualise microbiology data

184 if TERMINAL:
185     print_example_heading(n=2)
186     print('\nSusceptibility:')
187     print(susceptibility)
188 susceptibility.head(5)
time org abx sensitivity
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS resistant
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS resistant
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS resistant
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS resistant
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS resistant

Lets visualise the prescription data

192 if TERMINAL:
193     print('\nPrescription:')
194     print(prescription)
195 prescription.head(5)
time org abx dose
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS standard
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS standard
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS standard
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS standard
0 Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS standard

Lets compute the DRI

200 # -------------------------------------------
201 # Compute SARI
202 # -------------------------------------------
203 # Libraries
204 from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
206 # Create sari instance
207 sari = SARI(groupby=['time',
208                      'org',
209                      'abx',
210                      'sensitivity'])
212 # Compute SARI
213 df2 = sari.compute(susceptibility, return_frequencies=True)
215 # -------------------------------------------
216 # Compute DRI
217 # -------------------------------------------
219 def compute_drug_resistance_index(summry, groupby,
220                                   cu='use', cr='sari', ct='time'):
221     """Computes the Drug Resistance Index
223     Parameters
224     ----------
225     summry: pd.DataFrame
226         The summary DataFrame with columns including use,
227         resistance and time.
228     groupby:
229         The elements to groupby as described in pandas.
230     cu: str
231         Column name with use
232     cr: str
233         Column name with resistance
234     ct: str
235         Column name with time
237     Returns
238     -------
239     """
240     # Clone matrix
241     m = summry.copy(deep=True)
243     # Compute
244     m['use_period'] = m \
245         .groupby(level=groupby)[cu] \
246         .transform(lambda x: x.sum())
247     m['u_weight'] = (m[cu] / m.use_period)  # .round(decimals=2)
248     m['w_rate'] = (m[cr] * m.u_weight)  # .round(decimals=3)
249     m['dri'] = m \
250         .groupby(by=ct).w_rate \
251         .transform(lambda x: x.sum())
253     # Return
254     return m
258 # Compute the number of prescriptions
259 aux = prescription \
260     .groupby(by=['time', 'org', 'abx']) \
261     .dose.count().rename('use')
263 # Merge susceptibility and prescription data
264 df2 = df2.merge(aux, how='inner',
265     left_on=['time', 'org', 'abx'],
266     right_on=['time', 'org', 'abx'])
268 # Compute drug resistance index
269 df2 = compute_drug_resistance_index(df2, groupby=0)

Lets see the results

274 if TERMINAL:
275     print('\nResult (CDDEP):')
276     print(df1)
277 df2.round(decimals=3)
resistant sensitive freq sari use use_period u_weight w_rate dri
time org abx
Q2 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS 139 190 329 0.422 300 1000 0.300 0.127 0.218
B-LACTAM, INCREASED ACTIVITY 72 482 554 0.130 250 1000 0.250 0.032 0.218
G3 CEPHALOSPORINS 3 284 287 0.010 100 1000 0.100 0.001 0.218
QUINOLONES, SYSTEMIC 41 252 293 0.140 250 1000 0.250 0.035 0.218
SULFA & TRIMETH COMB 75 259 334 0.225 100 1000 0.100 0.022 0.218
Q3 2011 E. Coli AMINOPENICILLINS 101 130 231 0.437 250 1100 0.227 0.099 0.204
B-LACTAM, INCREASED ACTIVITY 54 354 408 0.132 300 1100 0.273 0.036 0.204
G3 CEPHALOSPORINS 3 208 211 0.014 150 1100 0.136 0.002 0.204
QUINOLONES, SYSTEMIC 36 182 218 0.165 300 1100 0.273 0.045 0.204
SULFA & TRIMETH COMB 55 181 236 0.233 100 1100 0.091 0.021 0.204

c) Example using MIMIC

In this example, we will compute the Drug Resistance Index or DRI using the freely-available MIMIC database which provides both susceptibility test data and prescriptions for a large number of patients admitted from 2008 to 2019. Please note that for de-identification purpose the dates were shifted into the future.


In this example we will be counting each entry in the prescription data as one ‘standard’ dose for clarity. However, this could be implemented more accurately by computing for example the complete dosage.

First, lets load the susceptibility and prescription data

300 # subset
301 subset = [
302     'time',
303     'laboratory_number',
304     'specimen_code',
305     'microorganism_code',
306     'antimicrobial_code',
307     'sensitivity'
308 ]
310 # -----------------------------
311 # Load susceptibility test data
312 # -----------------------------
313 # Load data
314 path = Path('./data/mimic')
315 filename = 'microbiologyevents.csv'
317 if (path / filename).exists():
318     data = pd.read_csv(path / 'microbiologyevents.csv')
320     # Rename columns
321     data = data.rename(columns={
322         'chartdate': 'time',
323         'micro_specimen_id': 'laboratory_number',
324         'spec_type_desc': 'specimen_code',
325         'org_name': 'microorganism_code',
326         'ab_name': 'antimicrobial_code',
327         'interpretation': 'sensitivity'
328     })
330     # Format data
331     data = data[subset]
332     data = data.dropna(subset=subset, how='any')
333     data.time = pd.to_datetime(data.time)
334     data.sensitivity = data.sensitivity.replace({
335         'S': 'sensitive',
336         'R': 'resistant',
337         'I': 'intermediate',
338         'P': 'pass'
339     })
342     # ------------------
343     # Load prescriptions
344     # ------------------
345     # Load prescription data (limited to first nrows).
346     use = pd.read_csv(path / 'prescriptions.csv', nrows=100000)
348     # Keep prescriptions which have also been tested
349     aux = use.copy(deep=True)
350     aux.drug = aux.drug.str.upper()
351     aux.starttime = pd.to_datetime(aux.starttime)
352     aux = aux[aux.drug.isin(data.antimicrobial_code.unique())]
354     # Rename variables
355     susceptibility, prescription = data, aux
357     #%%
358     # Lets visualise microbiology data
359     if TERMINAL:
360         print_example_heading(n=3)
361         print('\nSusceptibility:')
362         print(susceptibility)
363     susceptibility.head(5)
365     #%%
366     # Lets visualise the prescription data
367     if TERMINAL:
368         print('\nPrescription:')
369         print(prescription)
370     prescription.head(5)
373     # %%
374     # Lets compute the DRI
376     # -------------------------------------------
377     # Compute SARI
378     # -------------------------------------------
380     # .. note:: These are some possible options to group
381     #           data by a datetime column.
382     #
383     #             by year:    data.time.dt.year
384     #             by quarter: data.time.dt.to_period('Q')
385     #             by decade:  pd.Grouper(key='time', freq='10AS')
386     #             by century: data.time.dt.year // 100
389     # Libraries
390     from pyamr.core.sari import SARI
392     # Create sari instance
393     sari = SARI(groupby=[data.time.dt.year,
394                          #'specimen_code',
395                          'microorganism_code',
396                          'antimicrobial_code',
397                          'sensitivity'])
399     # Compute SARI
400     df3 = sari.compute(susceptibility, return_frequencies=True)
402     # .. note: Uncomment this line to create random use if the
403     #          prescription data is not available and we want
404     #          to simulate it.
406     # Create random use
407     #df3['use'] = np.random.randint(10, 600, df3.shape[0])
409     # Compute the number of prescriptions
410     aux = prescription \
411         .groupby(by=[aux.starttime.dt.year, 'drug']) \
412         .drug.count().rename('use')
413     aux.index.names = ['time', 'antimicrobial_code']
415     # Merge susceptibility and prescription data
416     df3 = df3.reset_index().merge(aux.reset_index(),
417         how='inner',
418         left_on=['time', 'antimicrobial_code'],
419         right_on=['time', 'antimicrobial_code'])
421     # Format the summary DataFrame
422     df3 = df3.set_index(['time', 'microorganism_code', 'antimicrobial_code'])
424     # Compute drug resistance index
425     df3 = compute_drug_resistance_index(df3, groupby=0)
427     #%%
428     # Lets see the results
429     if TERMINAL:
430         print('\nResult (MIMIC):')
431         print(df1)
432     df3[['freq',
433          'sari',
434          'use',
435          'use_period',
436          'u_weight',
437          'w_rate',
438          'dri']].round(decimals=3)
442     #%%
443     # Lets display DRI over time
444     #
446     # Libraries
447     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
448     import seaborn as sns
450     # Get first element by level.
451     df4 = df3.groupby(level=[0]).first().reset_index()
453     # Display using lineplot
454     #sns.lineplot(data=df4.dri)
456     # Display using plt.plot.
457     #plt.plot(df4.index, df4.dri, linewidth=0.75, markersize=3, marker='o')
459     # Display using relplot
460     sns.relplot(data=df4.reset_index(), x='time', y='dri',
461         #hue='event', style='event', col='region, palette='palette',
462         height=4, aspect=3.0, kind='line',
463         linewidth=0.75, markersize=3, marker='o'
464     )
466     # Show
467     plt.show()
469     #%%
470     # .. note:: In ``MIMIC``, the deidentification process for structured data required
471     #           the removal of dates. In particular, dates were shifted into the future
472     #           by a random offset for each individual patient in a consistent manner to
473     #           preserve intervals, resulting in stays which occur sometime between the
474     #           years 2100 and 2200. Time of day, day of the week, and approximate
475     #           seasonality were conserved during date shifting.
477     ########################################################################
478     # d) Extra code
481     """
482     # Define data
483     data = [
485         ['o1', 'a1', 2000, 0, 100, 10],
486         ['o1', 'a2', 2000, 0, 100, 9],
487         ['o1', 'a3', 2000, 0, 100, 8],
489         ['o1', 'a1', 2001, 50, 50, 10],
490         ['o1', 'a2', 2001, 60, 40, 9],
491         ['o1', 'a3', 2001, 70, 30, 8],
493         ['o1', 'a1', 2002, 50, 50, 10],
494         ['o1', 'a2', 2002, 60, 40, 10],
495         ['o1', 'a3', 2002, 70, 30, 10],
497         ['o1', 'a1', 2003, 50, 50, 10],
498         ['o1', 'a2', 2003, 60, 40, 11],
499         ['o1', 'a3', 2003, 70, 30, 12],
501         ['o1', 'a1', 2004, 50, 50, 16],
502         ['o1', 'a2', 2004, 60, 40, 22],
503         ['o1', 'a3', 2004, 70, 30, 30],
505         ['o1', 'a1', 2005, 30, 70, 16],
506         ['o1', 'a2', 2005, 30, 70, 22],
507         ['o1', 'a3', 2005, 30, 70, 30],
509         ['o1', 'a1', 2006, 50, 50, 16],
510         ['o1', 'a2', 2006, 60, 40, 22],
511         ['o1', 'a3', 2006, 70, 30, 22],
513         ['o1', 'a1', 2007, 100, 0, 10],
514         ['o1', 'a2', 2007, 100, 0, 9],
515         ['o1', 'a3', 2007, 100, 0, 8],
517         ['o2', 'a1', 2001, 50, 50, 16],
518         ['o2', 'a2', 2001, 60, 40, 22],
519         ['o2', 'a3', 2001, 70, 30, 22],
520     ]
523     # Create DataFrame
524     df = pd.DataFrame(data,
525         columns=['o', 'a', 'year', 'R', 'S', 'dose'])
527     # Format DataFrame
528     df.year = pd.to_datetime(df.year, format='%Y')
529     df['r_prop'] = df.R / (df.R + df.S)                                         # resistance proportion
530     df['d_prop'] = df.dose / df.groupby(by=['o', 'year']).dose.transform('sum') # dose proportion
532     # Show
533     print("Data:")
534     print(df)
536     # Example 1: Fixed
537     # ----------------
539     # Define p and q
540     p = df.r_prop
541     q = df.d_prop
543     # Compute
544     r0 = (p * q).sum()
545     r1 = np.dot(p, q)
546     r2 = np.matmul(p, q)
548     # Show
549     print("\n" + "="*80 + "\nExample 1\n" + "="*80)
550     print(r0)
551     print(r1)
552     print(r2)
556     # Example 2: Manual
557     # -----------------
559     # Initialize
560     qik0 = None
561     v_fixed = []
562     v_evolv = []
564     # Loop
565     for i,g in df.groupby(by=['o', 'year']):
566         if qik0 is None:
567             qik0 = list(g.groupby(by='year'))[0][1].d_prop
569         v_fixed.append({'o': i[0], 't': i[1], 'v': np.dot(g.r_prop, qik0.T)})
570         v_evolv.append({'o': i[0], 't': i[1], 'v': np.dot(g.r_prop, g.d_prop)})
572     # Format
573     v_fixed = pd.DataFrame(v_fixed)
574     v_evolv = pd.DataFrame(v_evolv)
575     v_combn = v_evolv.merge(v_fixed, how='outer',
576         on=['o', 't'], suffixes=('_evolv', '_fixed'))
578     # Show
579     print("\n" + "="*80 + "\nExample 2\n" + "="*80)
580     print(v_combn)
585     # Example 3: Matrix
586     # -----------------
587     #
589     print("\n" + "="*80 + "\nExample 3\n" + "="*80)
592     m1 = pd.pivot_table(df, index='o', columns='a', values='r_prop')
593     m2 = pd.pivot_table(df, index='o', columns='a', values='d_prop')
594     print(m1)
595     print(m2)
596     print(m1*m2)
598     # Loop
599     for i,g in df.groupby(by='year'):
600         m1 = pd.pivot_table(g, index='o', columns='a', values='r_prop')
601         m2 = pd.pivot_table(g, index='o', columns='a', values='d_prop')
602         dri = np.dot(m1, m2.T)
603         print(i, dri)
606     """
608     """
609     # Compute
610     df3['use_period'] = df3 \
611         .groupby(level=0).use \
612         .transform(lambda x: x.sum())
613     df3['u_weight'] = (df3.use / df3.use_period) #.round(decimals=2)
614     df3['w_rate'] = (df3.sari * df3.u_weight)  #.round(decimals=3)
615     df3['dri'] = df3 \
616         .groupby(by='time').w_rate \
617         .transform(lambda x: x.sum())
618     """

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.051 seconds)

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