Source code for

"""Trimming raw signals using: invalid values, noise at start/end of
recordings etc."""
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import pandas as pd
import warnings
import pmdarima as pm

[docs]def remove_unchanged_squences(df,unchanged_seconds = 10,sampling_rate=100, as_dataframe=True): number_removed_instances = sampling_rate*unchanged_seconds if as_dataframe: pleth_array = np.array(df["PLETH"]) else: pleth_array = np.array(df) diff = np.diff(pleth_array) # 123 35 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 34 3 1 5 0 0 23 45 unchanged_idx = np.where(diff == 0)[0] # 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 if len(unchanged_idx) < 1: return [0],[len(df)] continuous_dict = {} #index of continuous value and the len continuous_len = 0 key = -1 for i in range(len(diff)): if diff[i] == 0: if key == -1: key = i continuous_len = continuous_len + 1 else: if continuous_len > 0: continuous_dict[key] = continuous_len key = i+1 continuous_len = 0 start_cut_pivot = [] end_cut_pivot = [] for key in continuous_dict.keys(): if continuous_dict[key] >= number_removed_instances: start_cut_pivot.append(key) end_cut_pivot.append(key+continuous_dict[key]) start_milestone,end_milestone = get_start_end_points(start_cut_pivot,end_cut_pivot,len(df)) return start_milestone,end_milestone
[docs]def remove_invalid(df,as_dataframe=True): """ Exposed Remove the list of invalid data signal :param df: :param as_dataframe: :return: """ #TODO Cover the case of different input instead of SMARTCARE device if as_dataframe: pleth_array = np.array(df["PLETH"]) spo2_array = np.array(df["SPO2_PCT"]) perfusion_array = np.array(df["PERFUSION_INDEX"]) pulse_array = np.array(df["PULSE_BPM"]) indices_start_end = np.where((pleth_array != 0) & (spo2_array >= 80) & (pulse_array <= 255) & (perfusion_array>=0.1))[0] else: indices_start_end = np.where(df!=0)[0] diff_res = indices_start_end[1:] - indices_start_end[:-1] diff_loc = np.where(diff_res>1)[0] start_milestone = [indices_start_end[0]] end_milestone = [] for loc in diff_loc: end_milestone.append(indices_start_end[loc]+1) start_milestone.append(indices_start_end[loc+1]) end_milestone.append(indices_start_end[-1]+1) return start_milestone,end_milestone
[docs]def trim_data(data,minute_remove=1,sampling_rate=100): """ Expose :param data: :param minute_remove: :param sampling_rate: :return: """ # check if the input trimming length exceed the data length if minute_remove*sampling_rate*2 > len(data): warnings.warn("Input trimming length exceed the data length. Return the same array") return data if type(data) == type(pd.DataFrame()): data = data.iloc[minute_remove * 60 * sampling_rate:-(minute_remove * 60 * sampling_rate)] else: data = data[minute_remove * 60 * sampling_rate:-(minute_remove * 60 * sampling_rate)] return data
[docs]def get_start_end_points(start_cut_pivot,end_cut_pivot,length_df): """ handy :param start_cut_pivot: array of starting points of the removal segment :param end_cut_pivot: array of relevant ending points of removal segment :param length_df: the length of the origin signal :return: """ if 0 not in np.array(start_cut_pivot): start_milestone = np.hstack((0, np.array(end_cut_pivot) + 1)) if length_df - 1 not in np.array(end_cut_pivot): end_milestone = np.hstack((np.array(start_cut_pivot) - 1, length_df - 1)) else: end_milestone = (np.array(start_cut_pivot) - 1) else: start_milestone = np.array(end_cut_pivot) + 1 end_milestone = np.hstack((np.array(start_cut_pivot)[1:] - 1, length_df - 1)) return start_milestone,end_milestone
[docs]def concate_removed_index(start_list,end_list,remove_sliding_window = 0): """ handy :param start_list: :param end_list: :param remove_sliding_window: :return: """ start_list = np.array(start_list) end_list = np.array(end_list) diff_list = start_list[1:]-end_list[:-1] end_list_rm_indices = np.where(diff_list<=remove_sliding_window)[0] start_list_rm_indices = np.where(diff_list <= remove_sliding_window)[0]+1 start_out_list = np.delete(start_list,start_list_rm_indices) end_out_list = np.delete(end_list, end_list_rm_indices) return start_out_list,end_out_list
[docs]def cut_invalid_rr_peak(df): """ expose :param df: :return: """ #TODO return
[docs]def cut_by_frequency_partition(df_examine, window_size=None,peak_threshold_ratio=None, lower_bound_threshold=None, remove_sliding_window=None, overlap_rate =None): """ Expose :param df_examine: :param window_size: :param peak_threshold_ratio: :param lower_bound_threshold: :param remove_sliding_window: :param overlap_rate: :return: """ if window_size == None: window_size = 500 if window_size > len(df_examine): window_size = len(df_examine) if peak_threshold_ratio == None: peak_threshold_ratio = 1.8 if lower_bound_threshold == None: lower_bound_threshold = 1 if remove_sliding_window == None: remove_sliding_window = 0 if overlap_rate == None: overlap_rate = 1 window = signal.get_window("boxcar", window_size) welch_full = signal.welch(df_examine, window=window) peaks_full = signal.find_peaks(welch_full[1], threshold=np.mean(welch_full[1])) if len(peaks_full[0]) < 2: num_peaks_full = 2 else: num_peaks_full = len(peaks_full[0]) remove_start_indices = [] remove_end_indices = [] pter = 0 while pter < len(df_examine): end_pointer = pter + (window_size) if end_pointer >= len(df_examine): break small_partition = df_examine[pter:end_pointer] welch_small_partition = signal.welch(small_partition, window=window) peaks_small_partition = signal.find_peaks(welch_small_partition[1], threshold=np.mean(welch_small_partition[1])) if (len(peaks_small_partition[0]) > num_peaks_full * peak_threshold_ratio) or \ (len(peaks_small_partition[0]) < num_peaks_full * lower_bound_threshold): remove_start_indices.append(pter) remove_end_indices.append(end_pointer) pter = pter + int(window_size * overlap_rate) start_trim_by_freq, end_trim_by_freq = concate_removed_index(remove_start_indices, remove_end_indices, remove_sliding_window) start_milestone_by_freq,end_milestone_by_freq = \ get_start_end_points(start_trim_by_freq, end_trim_by_freq,len(df_examine)) return start_milestone_by_freq,end_milestone_by_freq
[docs]def fill_missing_value(s,missing_index,missing_len,method='arima',lag_ratio = 10): """ :param s: array of input time series :param missing_index: array of list of starting indices missing data :param missing_len: array of number of missing instances, matching with the index list :param method: :return: Example: > missing_index = np.where(np.diff(df.TIMESTAMP_MS) > 10)[0] > missing_len = [int((df.TIMESTAMP_MS.iloc[i+1] - df.TIMESTAMP_MS.iloc[i])/10-1) for i in missing] > filled_s = fill_missing_value(np.array(df1.PLETH),missing,missing_len) """ filled_s = [] for pos,number_of_missing_instances in zip(missing_index,missing_len): seg_len = number_of_missing_instances * lag_ratio start_seg = max(0, int(pos - seg_len)) ts = s[start_seg:int(pos)] model = pm.auto_arima(ts, X=None, start_p=2, d=None, start_q=2, max_p=3, max_d=3, max_q=3, start_P=1, D=None, start_Q=1, max_P=3, max_D=4, max_Q=4, max_order=5, m=int(len(ts) / 65), seasonal=True, stationary=False, information_criterion='aic', alpha=0.005, test='kpss', seasonal_test='ocsb', stepwise=True, n_jobs=4, start_params=None, trend=None, method='lbfgs', maxiter=50, offset_test_args=None, seasonal_test_args=None, suppress_warnings=True, error_action='trace',trace=False, random=False, random_state=None, n_fits=10, return_valid_fits=False, out_of_sample_size=0, scoring='mse', scoring_args=None, with_intercept='auto') fc, confint = model.predict(n_periods=number_of_missing_instances, return_conf_int=True) filled_s = filled_s + list(ts) + list(fc) filled_s = filled_s + list(s[int(pos):]) return filled_s