
Creating the virtual environment

A virtual environment is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated python virtual environments for them. This is one of the most important tools that Python developers use.

In recent versions of python (>3) we can use venv. If you have various versions of python you might need to use python3 or py instead.

python -m pip install venv           # Install venv
python -m venv <environment-name>    # Create environment

Otherwise, using standard virtualenv (linux-based systems)

which python                                    # where is python
pip install virtualenv                          # Install virtualenv
virtualenv -p <python-path> <environment-name>  # create virtualenv

Let’s activate the environment

source <environment-name>/bin/activate          # activate environment

To deactivate the environment just type

deactivate                                      # deactivate environment


Ths is slightly different on Windows systems. It is also possible to configure the virtual environment using the python IDE PyCharm. Students can get a free licence.

Fork the source repository


Open the previous url and click on the fork button (top right). This creates a new copy of the repository under your GitHub user account. The copy includes all the code, branches, and commits from the original repo.

Set up your fork locally

On your computer, open the terminal and create your repository folder:

$ mkdir vital_sqi

Move inside the folder:

$ cd vital_sqi

Now, lets clone the repository on your computer. You can clone the whole repository using the following command:

$ git clone

Or you can clone specific branches as shown below:

$ git clone -b main
$ mv <repository_name> main
$ git clone -b gh-pages
$ mv <repository_name> gh-pages

Your repository is now ready!

The main branch contains all the source files and the gh-pages will be just used to host the documentation in html. Brief summary of the contents below:

    |- docs
        - documentation
    |- docs
        |- build
        |- source
            |-    # config - sphinx documentation
            |- index.rst  # index - sphinx documentation
        Makefile          # run to create documentation
    |- examples
    |- pkgname            # your library
        |- core           # contains your pkg core classes
        |- tests          # contains your pkg tests - pytest
        |- utils          # contains your pkg utils

Installing your pkg in editable mode

If you are planning to do any contribution, it is recommended to install the package in editable (develop) mode. It puts a link (actually *.pth files) into the python installation to your code, so that your package is installed, but any changes will immediately take effect. This way all your can import your package the usual way.

Let’s install the requirements. Move to the folder where requirements.txt is and install all the required libraries as shown in the statements below. In the scenario of missing libraries, just install them using pip.

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt   # Install al the requirements

Move to the directory where the is. Please note that although is a python script, it is not recommended to install it executing that file with python directly. Instead lets use the package manager pip.


Feel free to change your package name if you want. However, note that to make things work you will need to make the appropriate changes in existing files: setup.cfg and

python -m pip install --editable  .         # Install in editable mode

Read more about packages

Generating documentation


To generate autodocs automatically look at sphinx-napoleon and sphinx-autodocs. In general the numpy documentation style is used thorough the code.

Let’s use Sphinx to generate the documentation. First, you will need to install sphinx, sphinx-gallery, sphinx-std-theme and matplotlib. Note that they might have been already installed through the requirements.txt.

Let’s install the required libraries.

python -m pip install sphinx            # Install sphinx
python -m pip install sphinx-gallery    # Install sphinx-gallery for examples
python -m pip install sphinx-std-theme  # Install sphinx-std-theme CSS
python -m pip install matplotlib        # Install matplotlib for plot examples

Then go to the docs folder within main and run:

make html

This will generate the documentation in the docs/build/html folder. In addition, when using github pages it is useful to have an instruction to create the html with sphinx and then another instruction to copy the generated htmls into the gh-pages branch to be available online. As a shortcut, you can use

make github

Note that make github is defined within the Makefile and it is equivalent to:

make clean html
cp -a _build/html/. ../../gh-pages/docs

These commands first generate the sphinx documentation in html and then copies the html folder into the gh-pages branch. You can see how the documentation looks like locally by opening the gh-pages/docs/index.html file. If you move to the gh-pages branch and push all the changes the documentation will be also available online thanks to GitHub Pages. You can access it through your repository page (see Environments / GitHub Pages / Active)

Note that in order to edit the documentation you need to create .rst files and include these newly created files in the index.rst document. An example is shown in docs/source/tutorials/setup.rst.

In addition, you can create and document python scripts that will be automatically included in the documentation (gallery examples) using sphinx-gallery. Remember to include the folder(s) containing the scripts in the variable sphinx_gallery_conf in the file as shown below for tutorial.

# Configuration for sphinx_gallery
sphinx_gallery_conf = {
    # path to your example scripts
    'examples_dirs': ['../../examples/tutorial'],
    # path to where to save gallery generated output
    'gallery_dirs': ['../source/_examples/tutorial'],
    # Other
    'line_numbers': True,
    'download_all_examples': False,
    'within_subsection_order': FileNameSortKey

Also remember to include the .rst file automatically generated the docs/index.rst file.

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Example Galleries


To include the output of the script (e.g. graph or console output) in the documentation remember to prefix the script file name with plot (e.g. You can find the following examples in examples/tutorial:

  • script using your pkgname package.

  • script just including all the code.

  • script documenting steps within the code.

Read more about sphinx
Read more about sphinx-gallery

Running tests

Just go to the main folder and run:

$ pytest

You might need to install it first

$ python -m pip  install pytest

Read more about pytest

Now it is time to start coding!

In order to create a new contribution, please create a new branch where name briefly explains the new feature or issue you are addressing.

$ git checkout -b new_branch

And create a new remote for the upstream repo with the command:

$ git remote add upstream

Pull any new changes to keep your fork up to date:

$ xxx

Do any changes in your branch and create a pull request (link).


Complete this section!

Happy coding!