Source code for vital_sqi.common.rpeak_detection

"""R peak detection approaches for PPG and ECG"""
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy import signal

from vital_sqi.preprocess.band_filter import BandpassFilter
from vital_sqi.common.generate_template import ecg_dynamic_template
import warnings
from ecgdetectors import Detectors, panPeakDetect



[docs]class PeakDetector: """Various peak detection approaches getting from the paper Systolic Peak Detection in Acceleration Photoplethysmograms Measured from Emergency Responders in Tropical Conditions Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, wave_type='ppg', fs=100): self.clusters = 2 self.wave_type = wave_type self.fs = fs
[docs] def ecg_detector(self, s, detector_type="pan_tompkins"): """ Expose ECG peak detector from the github Parameters ---------- s : Input signal fs: The signal frequency. Default is '256 Hz' detector_type: 'hamilton': Open Source ECG Analysis Software Documentation, E.P.Limited, 2002. 'christov':Real time electrocardiogram QRS detection using combined adaptive threshold 'engzee': A single scan algorithm for QRS detection and feature extraction 'swt': Real-time QRS detector using Stationary Wavelet Transform for Automated ECG Analysis. Uses the Pan and Tompkins thresolding. 'mva': Frequency Bands Effects on QRS Detection. 'mtemp': 'pan_tompkins': A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm Default = 'pan_tompkins' Returns ------- type an array of 1-D numpy array represent the peak list """ if self.wave_type == 'ppg': warnings.warn("A ECG detectors is using on PPG waveform. " "Output may produce incorrect result") detector = Detectors(self.fs) if detector_type == 'hamilton': res = detector.hamilton_detector(s) elif detector_type == 'christov': res = detector.christov_detector(s) elif detector_type == 'engzee': res = detector.engzee_detector(s) elif detector_type == 'swt': res = detector.swt_detector(s) elif detector_type == 'mva': res = detector.two_average_detector(s) elif detector_type == 'mtemp': res = self.matched_filter_detector(s) else: res = detector.pan_tompkins_detector(s) return np.array(res)
[docs] def ppg_detector(self, s, detector_type=ADAPTIVE_THRESHOLD, clusterer="kmean", preprocess=True, cubing=False): """ Expose PPG peak detector from the paper Systolic Peak Detection in Acceleration Photoplethysmograms Measured from Emergency Responders in Tropical Conditions :param s: the input signal :param detector_type: :param clusterer: :return: """ if preprocess: filter = BandpassFilter() s = filter.signal_highpass_filter(s, cutoff=1, order=2) s = filter.signal_lowpass_filter(s, cutoff=12, order=2) if cubing: s = s ** 3 if self.wave_type != "ppg": warnings.warn("A PPG detectors is using on unrecognized " "PPG waveform. Output may produce incorrect result") try: if detector_type == CLUSTERER_METHOD: peak_finalist, trough_finalist = \ self.detect_peak_trough_clusterer(s) elif detector_type == SLOPE_SUM_METHOD: peak_finalist, trough_finalist = \ self.detect_peak_trough_slope_sum(s) elif detector_type == MOVING_AVERAGE_METHOD: peak_finalist, trough_finalist = \ self.detect_peak_trough_moving_average_threshold(s) elif detector_type == COUNT_ORIG_METHOD: peak_finalist, trough_finalist = \ self.detect_peak_trough_count_orig(s) elif detector_type == DEFAULT_SCIPY: peak_finalist, trough_finalist = \ self.detect_peak_trough_default_scipy(s) else: peak_finalist, trough_finalist = \ self.detect_peak_trough_adaptive_threshold(s) except Exception as err: print(err) return signal.find_peaks(s)[0], [] return peak_finalist, trough_finalist
[docs] def matched_filter_detector(self, unfiltered_ecg): """ handy FIR matched filter using template of QRS complex. Template provided in generate_template file """ template = ecg_dynamic_template(self.fs) f0 = 0.1 / self.fs f1 = 48 / self.fs b, a = signal.butter(4, [f0 * 2, f1 * 2], btype='bandpass') prefiltered_ecg = signal.lfilter(b, a, unfiltered_ecg) matched_coeffs = template[::-1] # time reversing template # matched filter FIR filtering detection = signal.lfilter(matched_coeffs, 1, prefiltered_ecg) # squaring matched filter output squared = detection * detection squared[:len(template)] = 0 squared_peaks = panPeakDetect(squared, self.fs) return squared_peaks
[docs] def compute_feature(self, s, local_extrema): """ handy Parameters ---------- s : local_extrema : Returns ------- """ amplitude = s[local_extrema] diff = np.diff(amplitude) diff = np.hstack((diff[0], diff, diff[-1])) mean_diff = np.mean(np.vstack((diff[1:], diff[:-1])), axis=0) amplitude = amplitude.reshape(-1, 1) mean_diff = mean_diff.reshape(-1, 1) return np.hstack((amplitude, mean_diff))
[docs] def detect_peak_trough_clusterer(self, s, clusterer='kmean', **kwargs): """ handy Method 1: using clustering technique Parameters ---------- s : The input signals method : param kwargs: **kwargs : Returns ------- type tuple of 1-D numpy array the first array is the peak list and the second array is the troughs list """ # squarring doesnot work # s = np.array(s) ** 2 local_maxima = signal.argrelmax(s)[0] local_minima = signal.argrelmin(s)[0] # local_minima_amplitude = s[local_minima] # local_maxima_amplitude = s[local_maxima] # lower, middle, upper = np.quantile(s, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) # clusterer = KMeans(kwargs) clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init='k-means++', n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=0.0001, precompute_distances='deprecated', verbose=0, random_state=None, copy_x=True, n_jobs='deprecated', algorithm='auto') convert_maxima = self.compute_feature(s, local_maxima) systolic_group = clusterer.predict( convert_maxima[np.argmax(s[local_maxima])].reshape(1, -1)) labels = clusterer.predict(convert_maxima) systolic_peaks_idx = local_maxima[np.where(labels == systolic_group)] # ======================================================== # The same with troughs convert_minima = self.compute_feature(s, local_minima) trough_group = clusterer.predict( convert_minima[np.argmin(s[local_minima])].reshape(1, -1)) labels = clusterer.predict(convert_minima) trough_idx = local_minima[np.where(labels == trough_group)] return systolic_peaks_idx, trough_idx
[docs] def get_ROI(self, s, mva): start_pos = [] end_pos = [] for idx in range(len(s) - 1): if mva[idx] > s[idx] and mva[idx + 1] < s[idx + 1]: start_pos.append(idx) elif mva[idx] < s[idx] and mva[idx + 1] > s[idx + 1] \ and len(start_pos) > len(end_pos): end_pos.append(idx) if len(start_pos) > len(end_pos): end_pos.append(len(s) - 1) return start_pos, end_pos
[docs] def detect_peak_trough_adaptive_threshold(self, s, adaptive_size=0.75, overlap=0, sliding=1): """ :param s: :param adaptive_size: :param overlap: overlapping ratio :return: """ # number of instances in the adaptive window adaptive_window = adaptive_size * self.fs adaptive_threshold = self.get_moving_average( s, int(adaptive_window * 2 + 1)) start_ROIs, end_ROIs = self.get_ROI(s, adaptive_threshold) peak_finalist = [] for start_ROI, end_ROI in zip(start_ROIs, end_ROIs): region = s[start_ROI:end_ROI + 1] peak_finalist.append(np.argmax(region) + start_ROI) trough_finalist = [] for idx in range(len(peak_finalist) - 1): region = s[peak_finalist[idx]:peak_finalist[idx + 1]] trough_finalist.append(np.argmin(region) + peak_finalist[idx]) return peak_finalist, trough_finalist
[docs] def detect_peak_trough_default_scipy(self, s): peak_finalist = signal.find_peaks(s)[0] trough_finalist = [] for idx in range(len(peak_finalist) - 1): region = s[peak_finalist[idx]:peak_finalist[idx + 1]] trough_finalist.append(np.argmin(region) + peak_finalist[idx]) return peak_finalist, trough_finalist
[docs] def detect_peak_trough_count_orig(self, s): """ handy Method 2: using local extreme technique with threshold Parameters ---------- s : Input signal Returns ------- type tuple of 1-D numpy array the first array is the peak list and the second array is the troughs list """ # squaring decrease the efficiency # s = np.array(s)**2 local_maxima = signal.argrelmax(s)[0] local_minima = signal.argrelmin(s)[0] peak_threshold = np.quantile(s[local_maxima], 0.75) * 0.2 trough_threshold = np.quantile(s[local_minima], 0.25) * 0.2 peak_shortlist = np.array([optima for optima in local_maxima if s[optima] >= peak_threshold]) trough_shortlist = np.array([optima for optima in local_minima if s[optima] <= trough_threshold]) peak_finalist = [] through_finalist = [] left_trough = trough_shortlist[0] for i in range(1, len(trough_shortlist)): right_trough = trough_shortlist[i] peaks = [peak for peak in peak_shortlist if peak < right_trough and peak > left_trough] if len(peaks) == 0: left_trough = np.array([left_trough, right_trough]) [np.argmin([s[left_trough], s[right_trough]])] else: peak = peaks[np.argmax(s[peaks])] peak_finalist.append(peak) through_finalist.append(left_trough) left_trough = right_trough through_finalist.append(right_trough) return peak_finalist, through_finalist
[docs] def detect_peak_trough_slope_sum(self, s): """ handy Method 3: analyze the slope sum to get local extreme Parameters ---------- s : return: Returns ------- """ peak_finalist = [] trough_finalist = [] onset_list = [] """ Here w is the length of the analysing window, which Zong et al. [25] approximate to be equal to 128 ms or 47 samples for the sampling frequency (fs) of 367 Hz """ w = 12 N = len(s) Z = [] n_range = np.arange(w + 1, N) for n in n_range: Zk = 0 for k in range((n - w), n): delta_y_k = s[k] - s[k - 1] Zk = Zk + max(0, delta_y_k) Z.append(Zk) Z = np.array(Z) fs = 100 Z_threshold = 3 * np.mean(Z[:10 * fs]) threshold_base = Z_threshold for n in range(len(Z)): actual_threshold = threshold_base * 0.6 if Z[n] > actual_threshold: left = n - 15 right = n + 15 if left < 0: left = 0 if right > len(Z): right = len(Z) local_min = np.min(Z[left:right]) local_max = np.max(Z[left:right]) if (local_max - local_min) > local_min * 2: # Accept the pulse threshold_crossing_point = n onset = self.search_for_onset( Z, threshold_crossing_point, local_max) onset_list.append(onset) # peak_finalist.append(threshold_crossing_point+np.argmax()) # maximum Z[n] value for each pulse detected threshold_base = local_max # ????? onset_list = np.array(list(set(onset_list))) onset_list.sort() for trough_idx in range(1, len(onset_list)): left = onset_list[trough_idx - 1] right = onset_list[trough_idx] try: peak_finalist.append(np.argmax(s[left:right]) + left) trough_finalist.append(np.argmin(s[left:right]) + left) except Exception as e: print(e) return peak_finalist, onset_list
[docs] def search_for_onset(Z, idx, local_max): """ handy Parameters ---------- Z : idx : local_max : Returns ------- """ # while Z[idx] > 0.01*local_max: while Z[idx] > 0: idx = idx - 1 if idx <= 0: return idx return idx + 1
[docs] def detect_peak_trough_moving_average_threshold(self, s): """ handy Method 4 (examine second derivative) Parameters ---------- s : return: Returns ------- """ peak_finalist = [] through_finalist = [] # Bandpass filter filter = BandpassFilter() S = filter.signal_highpass_filter(s, 0.5, fs=100) # S = butter_lowpass_filter(S,8,fs=100) # S = s # Clipping the output by keeping the signal # above zero will produce signal Z Z = np.array([np.max([0, z]) for z in S]) # Squaring suppressing the small differences # arising from the diastolic wave and noise y = Z ** 2 w1 = 12 # 111ms w2 = 67 # 678ms # MA_peak ma_peak = self.get_moving_average(y, w1) # MA_beat ma_beat = self.get_moving_average(y, w2) # Thresholding z_mean = np.mean(y) beta = 0.02 alpha = beta * z_mean + ma_beat thr1 = ma_beat + alpha block_of_interest = np.zeros(len(thr1)) for i in range(len(ma_peak)): if ma_peak[i] > thr1[i]: block_of_interest[i] = 0.1 # Accept and Reject block of interest # If a block is wider than or equal to THR2, # it is classified as a systolic peak thr2 = w1 # index of the signal having boi == 0.1 BOI_idx = np.where(block_of_interest > 0)[0] # the different of consequence BOI BOI_diff = np.diff(BOI_idx) # index where the block move to other block BOI_width_idx = np.where(BOI_diff > 1)[0] for i in range(len(BOI_width_idx)): if i == 0: BOI_width = BOI_width_idx[i] else: BOI_width = BOI_width_idx[i] - BOI_width_idx[i - 1] if BOI_width >= thr2: if i == 0: left_idx = 0 else: left_idx = BOI_width_idx[i - 1] # left_idx = BOI_width_idx[np.max([0,i-1])] right_idx = BOI_width_idx[i] region = y[BOI_idx[left_idx]:BOI_idx[right_idx] + 1] peak_finalist.append(BOI_idx[left_idx] + np.argmax(region)) return peak_finalist, through_finalist
[docs] def get_moving_average(self, q, w): """ handy Parameters ---------- q : w : Returns ------- """ # shifting = np.ceil(w-w/2)-1 # remaining = w-1-shifting q_padded = np.pad(q, (w // 2, w - 1 - w // 2), mode='edge') convole = np.convolve(q_padded, np.ones(w) / w, 'valid') return convole