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Imperial Tech Foresight is a futures practice at Imperial College London. We develop foresight thinking that span the possible, probable and plausible, researching the fringes of disruption and breakthrough technologies assessing their potential impact on humans and society at large. We are innately curious and deeply questioning, exploring underlying drivers and shifts in the world of scientific disruption. We work with partners across industries and sectors to broaden our thinking. The practice uses different methods, developed in-house, to make the future come alive for their partners, through bespoke foresight programmes, inspirational thought-leadership pieces and stimulating events.

Tech Foresight 2040: Intentional Creations was a virtual conference for tech-driven businesses, which took place in June 2020. This conference shared the insights gathered from cutting-edge research world-leading academics and explored the topic across three different themes: Moral Machines, Meta-Motivations and Malleable Matter.